nicknames: xana, x
age: 127 (about 21 earth years)
species: alien? origins unknown
languages known: common (aka english) and her own
gender: female??? ?
pronouns: she/her
religion: worships the moon
occupation: gang leader
other: can float and sees in the dark. also has the ability to summon phantom arms (four)
sexuality: wouldn’t you like to know
eye color: red
hair color: purple/rainbow
height: 5’3”
weight: 102lbs
appearance: colorful, aggressive, bright as s**t. kinda blinding
nicknames: xana, x
age: 127 (about 21 earth years)
species: alien? origins unknown
languages known: common (aka english) and her own
gender: female??? ?
pronouns: she/her
religion: worships the moon
occupation: gang leader
other: can float and sees in the dark. also has the ability to summon phantom arms (four)
sexuality: wouldn’t you like to know
eye color: red
hair color: purple/rainbow
height: 5’3”
weight: 102lbs
appearance: colorful, aggressive, bright as s**t. kinda blinding