Warrior Baek Dong Soo. How to I even begin to describe you?
I was going to add you to my epic marathon drama list but then the internet and I became friends again (aka it stopped being slow) and I couldn’t resit you anymore. You are sort of everything that I hoped for and possible more.
I got first introduced to this drama when I heard that Kim Bum was trying to get the leading role (but failed and Ji Chang Wook took the lead role. ) and then Yoo Seung Ho decided to star in it and I was sold. That kid is such a good actor! and I have been trying to get into period dramas a bit more after Tamra and Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Baek Dong Soo sounded interesting.
I was afraid that I was going to think like I did with Best Love (with Lee Seung Ki and Cha Seung who and how I kept imagining Lee Seung Ki in the role) and keep imagining how awesome it would have been if Kim Bum was in it in the beginning but I didn’t. I have not seen much of Ji Chang Wook since I am just on episode 5 and he and Yoo Seung Ho have just come into the story but I like him. Kim Bum didn’t even cross my mind when thinking of Baek Dong Soo.
At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about the drama. Not because it was super violent (which it can be) since I can handle that. It doesn’t really get to me. I may not like shows about people shooting each other or anything like that, cop shows or anything but I do love some epic sword fighting and stuff.
Like I said, I was not sure of the drama and how I felt about after the 1 episode it but then episode 2 came and young Baek Dong Soo stole my heart, as did young Jin Joo and in a way young Yeo Woon too. Those two young actors where so good. There is a part of me that wished that they could just be young and adorable forever. Show, please be as good as you have been the first 5 episodes. Right now I love you so much.
What a disappointing ending to a good drama in my opinion, even if it wasn't as good in the end as it had been in the beginning.
The last episode was not great. I guess I found it a bit anticlimactic since I had already seen Yeo Woon’s death because I am stupid and spoiled myself.
I cried when Yeo Woon died and I cried every time they had those flashbacks of Dong Soo, Yeo Woon and Cho Rip as little kids and when they were friends in the good old days. It was their friendship that made this series for me.
Idk. This episode was rather week ether way. I would have liked no extension for this drama. It just wasn’t the ending that I expected. It was to… soft or something. Like I needed a more epic ending. I have said so many good things about this drama in the past but this ending was such a let down and ruined the drama for me a little. It is still a wonderful drama and I really enjoyed it.
I wanted more tears and an epic fight scene. I did like their talk during the fight scene though. It was very touching. I was crying, a lot. Like the ending was too happy for me. Does that make sense? Like the writers just wanted to wrap things up and go home or something.
I am not so pleased with that Dong Soo married that boring nun, Jisun because… I have never seen them fit together and they don’t have any chemistry and I have never been moves by Shin Hyun Bin’s acting or her lack of acting. I wasn’t a big fan of her an Yeo Woon ether. I just am not a fan of her.
To me Baek Dong Soo needs to be with someone as badass as he is … like Jin Joo for example. I do like her and the painter together though. It is so sweet. She deserves a happy ending.
And I liked that Cho Rip and Mi So got together. I do not hate Cho Rip like everybody else does. I think he was just trying to save the kingdom and he is very loyal to the king and just wanted him to be save. Idk. I don’t hate any of the characters really.
I don’t know what it is with me and period drama endings. They just never do it for me. I have not liked them in those few period dramas that I have seen. Except for Tamra the Island and The Princess's Man. I loved those endings.
I think WBDS is the first drama where I hated the lead girl or the girl who gets the lead guy and loved the second female lead. Jinju is just full of awesomeness and Jisun is nothing compared to her. The actress did nothing for that character, she was just dull.