This is a wall to commemorate all those who have helped me out.
Though I never asked them, to, and yet they opened their hearts and gave me a present.
It really doesn't matter of what value, just the thought made me happy. emo
-Heart Boxers (my first pair! : D)
good golly, I can't remember the rest, I'm so sorry!
if you, anonymous reads this, please send me a PM and I'll put you here. sorrysorrysorry! gonk
- Iogical // Bani the Bunny. (golly, stop being so nice. D: )
- x x s k y - b l u e // Meido Headband. (ayoo, you too, stop being such a sweetie. D: )
- xDeadly_Beaver // Pop Factory. (I don't know what to say, I felt so guilty taking it though, thankyouthankyouthankyou x100! heart )
If 9,000 people, (eep!) donated 400G each,
I could get this little booger:

zero // nine-thousand. ; 3;