Well here is one I made in 6th grade... hope you like it!
Don’t be afraid of what people think
Break out of the shell of shame
And be the person YOU want to be!
you can rate my poem 1-10
here are some quotes that I thought was hard core
-“Only strong personalities can endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it”
-"A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”
-"May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human enough hope to make you happy.”
-Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.”
-“There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer.”
-“You must be strong now. You must never give up. And when people make you cry and you are afraid of the dark, don't forget the light is always there.”
-“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
Well I put this quotes up because it really meant a lot to me... I remember in kindergarten through 2nd grade I was not what you call "cool.”I sucked at sports, was not good with socializing with others, and I sucked at math so pretty much I was an outcaste in those years. During gym we had to run around a big circle [pretty big if you were a 1st grader!]. And of course I came in last running but you know I tried my best [I wasn’t fat or unhealthy]. Once I finished I remembered my P.E. teacher yelling at me and telling my how horrible I was... And when I returned to the group of kids, they all started pointing and laughing at me. I think that day I went home crying and spend my whole 3 years of my life miserable.
But in 3rd grade I thought, “I need to forget about the past and move on with my life, I got to be the best I could be." After I thought that I actually started to have friends. By the time in 5th grade I was hanging out with the people called the "cool crew" and they were pretty cool! They had the clothes, they were super nice, and that’s why everybody likes them and me.
Wells.... that are all I got to add with my life adventure so... ADIOS~!!
date: 11/12/07
time: 6:03 p.m.
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