Seriously, does EB fear me this much to send both the body and tail after me? D= I'm not that scary, I may be evil erm, a Saint, but jeez.

Everyone ditched me D= *Lonely song plays*

'Twas quite funny at the time. And for sane reasons I didn't put the chat panel in it because of "GIM glitch lol xD Was during my first run at the mini-events =D *points to awaken button*see how I did? =D << I wonder if Waldo is in there lol

After we killed the tail in the first picture, the head appeared and the crew was all "o.O WTF?" needless to say we did die horribly- over and over and over again.

Bruce (a.k.a. Landy/Landshark) picture. He stalks me for some reason, the beach is unsafe. This is before we was lowered in power, oh, and I was his last victim &.& Right as the servers were being shut down he attacked...not in this picture...but I have yet to upload it.

Fear the bombs! It's an EB glitch, but it was so funny at the time, xD I love glitches, they're funny.
chidorilash · Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 07:17am · 0 Comments |