You woke up, took a shower, and headed out the door. You always left your sister at home alone. She is a katan expert and an expert in any weapon. Well, you changed into this outit:

. You were walking down the street and your feet just happened to take you to cafe mew mew. *sigh* "How did i end up here?" You heard foot steps running from behind you adn saw zoey run into the cafe. *sigh* 'She never was good with time. Well, here goes nothing.' You walked through the door and everyone heard the noise. Zoey looked up from her work and saw you. She squeled and ran and hugged you. "AHHHHHH ZOEY LET GO!" "ASH! YOU FINALY DICIDED TO JOIN US?!"
"I'LL TELL YOU ONLY IF YOU LET GO!" "Oops!" >.<' She let you go and you fell to the floor. Yuo got up and glared at Zoey. She laughed nervously and hid behind a guy with blonde hair. You looked at him, smiled and walked over to him. "Are you Elliot by any chance?" "Why yes i am. Why do you want to know?" "Well, i was told by pee brain over there told me to come here." "Why exacly?" "Well, cause i'm a mew mew. I ahve the legendary mew snow tiger angel in me." "How do i know you aren't liying?" "Listen misster, I am too a mew mew and i can prove it." "Fine. i'll take what you've told me and you'll starts working here today...." "NO WAY IN ALL SEVEN HELLS AM I WORKING HERE! BESIDES, I HAVE A GIG TONIGHT! THE ONLY WAY I'M WORKING HERE IS IF ME AND MY GANG CAN PLAY HERE!" Elliot looked taken back by this but shook his head yes. "sweet. Well bye Zoey, i got to go to theplace again. You guys can come to if you want?" "We would love to go and i'll bring the girls again tonight." "Hn, what wver." You walked out and saw it was noon. You decided to take a short cut through the woods. You got to th club and went into your changing room. 'hmm, i'l go in my mew mew form.' You transformed and you were in your mew mew form. you changed out of the mew mew outfit and put on a black hoodie that looked like this:

. You put on jeans that looked like this:

and a black mini skirt over it. You put a white and black belt over it. You took out a black choker with a single red ruby in the shape os a tear drop on it. you put on your fingerless gloves. You put on your blue converses and walked on the stage. the light shown on you and the band started to play. You walked up to the mic and started to sing 'untitled', by simple plan. After that was done, the band started to play 'i'm just a kid' by simple plan. The band dies down and you walked to the mic. You grabbed it and nodded to the band. You guys played and sang a whole bunch of sings and when you were finished, you looked around and saw the mew mews. You also saw they brought Elliot along with thgem and he had a surrprised look on his face. You smirked at them and sang another song called 'addicted' by simple plan. You looked straight at him through the entire song and he just stared back. You took the mic off the stand and walked over to thier table. You walked over to Elliot and sang right in his face. You pwalked back on stage and sang the rest of the song. When it was time for you to leave, you went to your dressing room, grabbed the dress, nd walked out the back door. The mew mews ran up and cungratulated you on your performance. You nodded and walked home. You deiced to walk through the woods. You were walking when you felt breathing on your kneck. You tuned around nut saw no one. You shrugged and turned back around, only to bump into someone. You looked up and saw a guy with green hair in two pony tails, a wierd outfit, golden eyes, pointy eras, and a perverted yet addorable smirk on his face. "Um, may i ahle you? i really need to get home and.." "Hahah, you aren;t gowing any where kitty." "Oh really, what are you going to do about it?" You pressed up against him and he looked taken back by that but msirked in response. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you even closer to him. "I'm going to do something i really want to do." *gulp* You pushed off of hima dnturned the other way. You started to run home, but you felt something tackle you down. You looked up and saw the guy sitting on your back. "Could you please, GET THE HELL OFF OF ME?!" "nah, i think i like it here." He rached down and pulled you hood down exposing your tiger ears. He smirked and started to pet them. 'OH GOD NOT....' You started to purr and your tail popped out. He grabbed it and started to pet it. You purred some more and fell asleep.