*note* This is based on my gothic comic, so be warned in l8er entrys.

Chapter 1: If the lock opens..........
"Alice! Hurry or she'll get you!"
the sound of small feet running was heard from the Gates of the Demons. The princess of Eden Demonica and her twin brother ran hastely down the hallway. " Atticus!" the princess yelled." Wait!" Suddenly, the girl fell. "Alice!" Atticus yelled. He ran over to his sister's side. He helped her up.
" Where are you, my dear, sweet new dolls?"
They both shuddered. "Alice, we better hurry!" Atticus said, grabbing Alice by her wrist. The two ran down the dark hallway. "Dead end!" Atticus yelled, slamming his fists on the wall. He looked around. "Alice, I don't want 'Her' to get you," he said, as he removed his necklace. " Here. Take this and never ever, I swear, never forget this place." Alice looked as if she'd start to cry. Atticus pushed Alice into a nearby laundry shoot. "Atticus!" Alice yelled as she fell down the cold shaft. The shoot was compiled of twists and turns. But, it branched off! Alice looked as a sign read"Laundry" and the other read " Dark Forest of Twistera". I hope I don't fall into the laundry, Alice thought. The shoot to the launry room closed with a tight metal door. Alice went sliding down to the shoot leading to the Dark Foreset of Twistera. She fell into the soft snow bank below. Alice looked back at the castle. Brother, she thought, please be safe. She started to run into the dark and isolated forest. Suddenly, everything went black. What happened, Alice thought. She felt, in her stiff state, blood trickling down her forehead. She had ran into one of the trees. Then.....nothing.
So how was that? comment if u want more. Arcane Magi is coming back soon.
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