Twilight/New Moon Spoiler warning!
Mua ha ha, I love these books! Probably more than I should. XD I don't really like Isabella and Edward though. "Oh save me Edward!" "Oh no, you've been hurt! Grrr" "I LOVE YOU!" "No!!! Don't leave me!" "I hear voices when i'm trying to commit suicide!" "Oh, maybe I should take what I can and settle for Jacob..." "Nooooo! I lied Bella! I really do love you!!!" Eugh...I can't believe how pathetic she is. But I would probably be just as weak in my own way...I really like Alice and the others though. I hope Jacob gets someone who deserves him. OMG I just realized how much of a ***** she is! How many guys like her anyway?! Miaka much....oooh....don't get me started on Miaka.....