We went to my friend Kale's sweet sixteen, which became the definition of SWEET. We all met over at her house to go to Anime Punch, our local Con. me and my other friend Jamie went as Anbu, wicked sweet Anbu with a fox and bobcat mask. Jamie excerised the many miricaled works of electric tape. Kale went as Soisosuiki ( I know I spelled that wrong, don't maul me with cation tape ^.^) this is her

Kale looked just like her.
Our other gal pals Karly(Master of Boise) went as Fullmoon mitsuki and Amber(Peanut of darkness) went as little mitsuki, and Li went as...... hmmm i never did catch what it was, but she looked Gouda anyway, and Kara who doesn't like anime/manga at all and calls them mango stare (dear lord) She went as a random girl from Prince of Tennis who is nameless, just in case someone aske who she was. It was so funny when we got there we saw guys dressed up as prince of tennis peoples and she challenged on to a tennis match - he didn't know how to play sweatdrop
#1 rule of Conning, when you see something you like don't say that you'll get it in a minute after you watch the execution of a paper person, because it shalln't be there. Known this from personal experience.
We went to Play Guitar Hero and Kale rocks, she's cool that way, any way and this guy comes in with leather pants and a fishnet top and is all like " Anyone do it on expert?" and so he ends up going against Kale, she should have won, she almost beat him, but it was interesting (not) to see him flail himself all over the place jutting his but in people's (ours) faces. He is know and will forever be known to us as the Pleather guy. He should be so proud.
I lost some self esteem points when we went DDR-ing ( Yes this is an official word)
I do it on Easy and fail, then Kale gets on at difficult and totally aces it, THEN this little girl comes over puts it on expert and gets like a B gonk Oh that's a poke to the dignity, but Jamie wasn't that much better so I didn't feel that bad.
After randomly running around the Con, pointing people out
SEPHIROTH, NEKOZAWA, TAMAKI, CLOUD, SNAKE, NARUTO, ITACHI, KAKASHI, (there were alot of Naruto peoples) GAARA heart ( Gaara was awesome, we'd sing Mr. sandman every time we passed someone cosplaying him)
We went to McDonalds Singing the whole way across the street as loud as we could, the play list consisted of : The Sitar Song, Mr. Sandman, I'm bringing sexy back, A Kuna Matata, and the Lumberjack song.
I love strange looks, it's amazing how many you can get in one day.
Okay so we hung in the room abit, Playing Sound Off ( retro but still great, I believe that's called vintage) any way I totally forget how this started but we ended up going to the door that ajoined our room to a group of unknown persons and we started pounding on the door in musical rythmes and they replied. Karly went " OH" and they were like " You go away!!", I shall never say " IO" but "you go away" from now on. We sang some songs to them and eventually we left them alone, but we'd be back ninja
Okay so we're hanging doing Cartwheels and Somersaults and Apche dances waiting for The Rave to start, it was like almost an hour and a half away when we noticed a small group of people dancing to the Spoony Bards who were playing Final Fantasy songs and they stop so we go up there and start dancing, Serious next thing you know we have a couple people dancing with us as we ho-down. Then the song changed and we start doing a chain. Started as 5 people kay? we doing it and I'm on the end and this guy comes up and grabbs my hand and his friends join onto him and then suddenly we hace this huge spiral of people which turned into a giant circle with a whole bunch of people watching. THen another song change and suddenly we have every single person doing a snakey right to left move with your hands, and next hing you know we have an hour and a half dance off, were no body was in the rave for like 40 minutes because everyone was out there at the dance off.
One of the best parts was when a Gaara flipped Jamie, a total stranger cosplaying gaara, but who wouldn't trust gaara xd .
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