Third day of Evil
Today my friends from a different realm stopped by though the method of a Storm Warping spell and now they are here. They are old friends from a different realm i met while hopping between realms when i was a child. Another person that came was a guy that i knew a long time a go. He came with my witch friends. HE told me the succes of his mission to become the strongest wizard in the Entire magixs dimension and was very far in his mission of taking over a couple of schools and would like to march on some of the schools here by destroying them or taking over the principals i did not refuse nor did i accempt his Idea. i have had enough with homosexuals. burning_eyes ( I know that was kinda of random but an image popped up on my screen like that). I am about ready to sue both goggle and Yahoo for giving me wrong information. I typed in some random thing that popped in to my head(i do this alot) rolleyes and checked it out on goggle and ever since these images pop up on my sceen at the weirdest times. stressed i have no respect for these people and i will never. They are gross and sick i don't know you can enjoy that it is sick. scream ok your all probably thinking what word did you think of. well heres the word. China