yew knoe what,, danii,, that fiilthy whore next door thiinks she kan take ovrr my liife,, well shes got another thiin kumiin,, ii meen wtf who goes next door too giives tehm browniies?!?! shes a suck upp too my mom and my mom liike her whay better than me!! FiiNE she kan ******** take her cause ii dont giive a shiit!! iim ******** siick and tiierd ove my mom sayiing shiit liike danii kan cook,, danii kan bake,, danii aiint a slut,, danii a good giirl,, danii dresses niice,, danii iis sweet,, danii iisnt ugly. ii feel liike shiit on my own consiideriing my low self estteem,, iits makiing iit ******** worse,, iif danii iis soo ******** great than why doesnt evrryone ove my friiends go to her and james wuld liike her better too cause shes sooooo much better than me iin everyy whay possiible. ii doo EVERYTHiiNG and thoe ii doo nothiing?!?! WTF?!?! my dad hates mee cause he says iim rude,, cause ii dont ******** talk too herr why teh hell wuld ii talk too her when ONE she triies to steel my friiends,, iif my friiends arr goiing to plaii outsiide ii alwaiies have to make shure that shes not out && were quiite,, soo she wont hear us yell ovrr teh fence call teh phone and ask MY parents iif she kan kum ovrr too, there alwaiies oh yeah okay danii shure we'ed luv to have yew ovrr!! what about me??!! ii dont want to have her ovrr!! oh but who giives a shiit about me and MY friiends,, && then eventully my friiends wanna hangout wiiff danii and ******** USE me to get to her... TEW she'll kum ovrr wen she's grounded so she kan use teh computer wiitch shes groundd frum!! my parents wuld bee liike oh shure!! HillARY get off teh ******** comp for danii dont bee rude!! ...teh ********.. iis ******** room... [not to mentiion my mom has teh balls to kiick me out ove my own room] iive nevrr heard of a parent kiickiing there kiid outta there own room. arrnt they sent to thiier room?!?! one ove my friiends went out wiiff her!! she almost got hiim kiickd outta skol && she gets hiim to kiick everywuns a**,, not reliiziing that he kan get HiiS a** kiickd. she's a horriible giirlfriiend.. ii hate her iid tell my parents why ii hate her soo much,, but ii jst kant doo iit, there gonna say iim stoopiid,, get ovrr iit, dont bee rude. alot ove ppl dont knoe teh truth,, and wiill end upp gettiing hurt. ii tryd to bee friiends wiiff her,, shes a slut ii swear,, my parents thiink she's good?? oh
a few more thiings iim alwaiies terriifiied ove askiing my parents ove thiings,, and jst telliing them stuff,, arnt parents aspoused to accaully take note ove yew and accaully liisten to what yew say?? iinsted ove yelliing at yew and calliing yew names liike yew regret sayiing anythiing?? iill take iit out on myself,, and blame everythiing on myself,, everythiing that ii have done,, everywun that ii hurt,, iim teh one causiing teh chaos at home,, iits all my fault,, they only diisliike me,, randy iis fiine,, obnoxiius and meen as she iis,, ii was never even ment to exiist,, only mee. ii was a ******** miistake,, my mom yells at mee that she gave biirth to mee and iits all my fault. iits all my fault,, liike iits my fault james blames thiings on hiimself.. nothiing iis hiis fault iim jst stoopiid,, a compleet waste of everbodiies tiime iincludiing all of my friiends. ii cause drama,, cause of my lii'l liife. ii screw everythiing upp,, iim completly worthless,, a liieiing betch that steals and ruiins ppls liifes,, liike my moms,, jst liike she sayd. jst cause ove my lii'l poiintless lii'l liife,, maybe iif ii take myself out of thiis wourld,,. everybodiies liives would go on,, better. wiiffout haviing to deal wiiff mee,, iid bee gone. ii dont need a fancy funeral. jst throw away my ashes. and forget ii was ever there. thered bee a gurl way more than i kuld ever bee and james deserves better. jst forget every word of my exiistance. ii wuld bee gone.
ii jst needed wanted,, sumone to talk to,, ii kant seem to express my emotiions iin a non-pcysiical whay... iim sorii iif ii diid sumthiing to hurt yew james,, ii meen to hurt myself,, and only myself. ii need a way out,, and yur my only door. or i wuld have to walk through a wall. or jump out a wiindow. jst one thiing that keeps frum leaviing iis teh fact that iill see yew agaiin,, ii dont knoe when,, but soon. ii dont deserve yur luv,, but iill alwaiies want yew no matter what. && iits accaully has AlWiiES been that way,, evrr siince ii met yew. teh whay ii relly feel about yew,, ii kant even put iit iinto words. teh happiiness yew briing me,, liike nobodii else.
yew culd make mee smiile iif ii were standiing ovrr a noose,, or laff whiile ii put a gun iin my mouth. yew kan make me stop wiiff a few words and a siimple wiink. yewd make me melt iin yur arms and iill forget everythiing bad iin my wourld for that spliit second iid bee yew and mee,, wiiffout a kare,,.
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