Rose Kara

Birthday: September 13
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: Dosn't tell
Race: Half Earth Demon Half Angel
Parents: Angel father; Earth demon mother
Weapons: Anything which she can make out of a plant.
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: (1) Princess, kind, forgiving (2) Hurtful, depressed, hateful
Powers: Earth, plants, healing
Skills: Gardening, cooking, potions, hearb gathering
She was abandoned as a new born becuse of her heitage. She was brought up in an orphanage, and learned many things there. She learned cooking, cleaning, and gardening. She seemed to have a natural at gardening, and soon learned about her power over plants. Nobody questioned how come she was so good at it, but loved it. Rumor was that she could make even the most wilted flower bloom, which was true. Nobody saw it though. She was always ignored by the adopters even though she looked like a perfict angel. She was known as the princess of the orphanage and helped with cooking and cleaning, and almost everything that she could.
A few years ago she dicided to leave the orphanage and was givin many presents. Mostly clothes, money, and then two books. She was also given a bouqet of roses for a good bye present.
She has had a mental disorder for as long as she chould remember. Most didn't see it becuse she usualy hid when it took over her body. After the state, she'd usualy look dead with souless eyes staring up at the celling or down at the floor, and would recover in about ten minutes. If she didn't lock herself away, she would have been tempted to kill, all of her scences carried away until all was gone in her life. She has named this side of her Kyo, even though it was usualy a boy's name, she felt it to be right for that side of her.