See, my plan was basicly L. I got a flame about his Freaking HAIR. THAT'S AS CLSOE TO L HAIR YOU'RE GOING TO GET, FOLKS!! GET OVER IT!!!
And then the guy next to him I realize he dosn't look liek Raito!! I'm jstu saying he REPRESENTS him!! i'm SICK of you people flaming my stuff!!
With Gaia I can't get them all perfectly right, so just get over it and get a life!! I was hoping for it to be a fun experience, but no! you people just HAD to go and Ruin it all for me. Thanks.
I just went ahead and took myself off. One day i'm gunna get myself back on there and throw it in you're faces that i'm awesome and you SUCK. get that, or do i need to spell it out?
Y.O.U S.U.C.K.
But for those few people who complimented me, thank you very much. I appreciated that alot after all the s**t i got from everyone else.-hugs the nice people-
For everyone else who flames me, SCREW YOU.
Okay, i'm done. Smile at Miyavi!!!

And Miyabimaru(his kitty) too, of course! =D
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