.:`Recently I have given up on my dream and quest to get a ninja band as they seems to go up in price daily. Last I checked they were around 800k.
This is a dream I did not see my self working so hard for. I know for a fact that with the new release of the Latest Naruto eps/books the prices will only go up.
In light of this I have decided on questing for things I know I can get in a reasonable amount of time!
My latest dream avi is this:

Item List:
Baby Seal Slippers
Blue Strapless Bra
Celestial Wrap
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Purple FLEX Top
White Stockings
Estimated Total: 603,529 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 17 February 2007)
Yes those are baby Seal Slippers I want but I have found they have stayed at a much more fixed price then the ninja band!
While trying to complete this dream avi I shall be going on sub-quests for other things. Some sub-quest I may start go as follows:
-G-LOL Dark Dollie shoes
-A Gwee
-A whip of Fire
-A DemonBow
-An Ancient Katana
I most likely will add more in time.
Now I have decided that to insure I would not spend all my Seal Slippers gold on my sub-quests I will be using another gaia account of mine as a 'bank account' of sorts.
But before I even start my quest for the slippers I will be questing a Pixie.
To help me keep track of all my quests and gold for said quests I have a Quest Sheebils:

If you do nothing else please click him.
I shall be starting a quest thread soon, I hope you all will come and view it.
Donators so far:

This is all for now. `:.
This is a dream I did not see my self working so hard for. I know for a fact that with the new release of the Latest Naruto eps/books the prices will only go up.
In light of this I have decided on questing for things I know I can get in a reasonable amount of time!
My latest dream avi is this:

Item List:
Baby Seal Slippers
Blue Strapless Bra
Celestial Wrap
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Purple FLEX Top
White Stockings
Estimated Total: 603,529 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 17 February 2007)
Yes those are baby Seal Slippers I want but I have found they have stayed at a much more fixed price then the ninja band!
While trying to complete this dream avi I shall be going on sub-quests for other things. Some sub-quest I may start go as follows:

I most likely will add more in time.
Now I have decided that to insure I would not spend all my Seal Slippers gold on my sub-quests I will be using another gaia account of mine as a 'bank account' of sorts.
But before I even start my quest for the slippers I will be questing a Pixie.
To help me keep track of all my quests and gold for said quests I have a Quest Sheebils:

If you do nothing else please click him.
I shall be starting a quest thread soon, I hope you all will come and view it.
Donators so far:

This is all for now. `:.