shock ^^
But then again, My Livejournal is full of drama and everything ^^;
Life is good, better then it has been before, i dont feel so detached from everyone, and i've had some decent pictures of myself taken ^^ Which, for me, is hard, seeing as i dont like camera's all that much on the receaving end.
You want to see a few of them? Look at my profile, if you havent already ^^;
And when i get new one's, i'll post them on here so my friends can browse if they feel the need to >.>
Then again, i'm someone who looks at pictures for hours on end just trying to figure out what i want to do for my next painting (will have a picture up of the first, and then the second, so people can see how much i've improved.)
But other then that, everything is going alot better then i expected them to ever go ^^
I might be going to the state college (Also known as the University of Oregon) instead of our comunity college (also known as Lane Comunity College) If that'll happen, i will be so really really very happy, so much so, that i might do a entry in here dedicated to l33t, but, if need be, i can also put it into actual english, because some people find l33t confusing (I know i did when i first saw it(aside from thinking it was awesome after i realised what it all said))
Alas, this is my second entry ^^..
Video's in my profile will be changed subjectivley, i will post a list of what i have played on my profile, so if anyone wants to find the song for their own, they can have at it ^^