heart Just to show the people who give me Bday stuff that I have lots of love for them! heart
Kokiri - [Lovely Picture]
Basra - [Awesome.Zodiac.Art]
~BrokenxSmile~ - Dark halo
<-- This bad a** picture was from my love Saph ^_^
Corbett Robott - my Kitsune Mask and Gold for my anklets
Beanish - Scream Emote Mask stressed XD
Ankoko - drop dead gorgeous skull hairpin, dead sexy moonlight class, dead sexy skull stone pin, neutral emote mask, Scream Emote mask
Eiryn Fox - Phoenix Circlit
Majaroni - Raptor Fire Boots
Jackathyn - Olive Loose Cargo Pants
Saphria201, Erida, Stiffy, Nadyzhda, Kokiri - Together got me a Phantom Death Mask ^_^ yay!
Bliprules - prisoner's ball and chain
Tsukiyohei - Black Wulf Set and a wonderful hot oil massage
Sincere Murder - Happy Birthday!
Sheer_Insanity - Carmel Cheesecake, Green Workout Ball, Roman Pedestal, Black Retro Phone, Cola Bottle, 505 Tokens
*The Legendary* Thundermom - Coal Gunner Boots, Morgana's Gloves
flightoftheunicorn - Dead Sexy Midnight Coat
Lainofthewierd - Her Daily Chance stuff from Oct. 5th 2006
Dirtytabs - Wonderful Artwork ^_^
Kokiri-fran - Iram Bean XD
Neko-shippo - ^_^ prettyness
ellissis - art ^_^
Illuminatedd belated gift art
Stiffy!_Psh!! - stiffy arts
[.Kurama.] - arts by him
TiltedHaloPs44 - Dead Sexy Midnight Coat, Dead Sexy Blood Bat Cravat, Gray Peasant Gloves, Coal Gunner Boots
*Did Kensei forget my birthday...... He didn't have to. I already saw it comming....
I know Im forgetting a bunch of people... just kick me or something and remind me to add you if your not on the list. sweatdrop