This is my very first Journal. So I'm gonna say as much as possible in as few words as possible. This journal is on everything. From sickenly sweet crushes to political values. Just thought I'd get that out of the way before I started.
I've been thinking alot about finding a new job and how much I'm probably gonna hate it. I mean no one likes there first job, but it seems to get worse as you grow older. My first job was at this really small ice cream shop. It was owned by this old lady. She seemed nice enough, but she was a little witchy, especially around me. About a month in I quit, because the pay wasn't worth the abuse. I mean I hated the job, but it did get my gears spinning. I started to wonder why only 15 or 16 percent of people loved their job. The answer came to me through a really good friend. He told me that every person needed a purpose that they would just keep searching for. I wasn't very impressed by this. I told him that I already knew that, but what was the reason for keeping up with a job that's not your purpose. He chimes in with so that they can live. I looked at him utterly confused for a second, until he finally explained. He told me this. AND I QUOTE: "Once a person finds their purpose they are utterly happy, but once it's done they're totally useless. So only a total idiot goes looking for their purpose then completes it. The sad, but honest truth is the smart people either know their purpose and ignore it or will wait until they know that they can continue to stay alive after their purpose is completed." That sat with me for more then a few weeks, I don't know if I totally agreed with it, but it did seem to make sense to me, and that scared me. So what do you think is it true that to find a purpose is only a bit of fleeting joy, or can you be truly happy knowing you've finished a job well done that you were destined to do?
Well, that's it for now. Love it, hate it, I really don't care as long as it gives you the chance to think. rofl
Yaggie · Tue Jan 09, 2007 @ 10:29pm · 1 Comments |