"Fourteen years ago hell rose from the earth, literally.
Ruthless and blood thirsty, it attacked every major city.
Innocent women and children were killed, executed.
I was only a boy then, and I decided to join the coalition.
I couldn't have been more clear on my decission as I was then.
My minds eye was clear although my father was a lieutenant.
For years I trained, fought, trained, and fought as it spread.
Until that one day, at Aspio Fields.
Pinned down by the enemy, we got a distress signal.
It was my father, so I had no other choice but to aknowledge his crisis.
What a mistake that had been, going after him.
Leaving my team behind for evac.
I made it to him before he died, but late never-the-less.
He was killed, stabbed through the heart.
The pain I felt then, the misery.
It was like a blade peircing my heart.
I had been hiding for a while, until one of the Wretches found me.
He screamed before I could break his neck with my Shotgun.
So I did the only thing I could do.
I ran.
And when I couldn't run anymore, I fought.
I fought desperately with every round of ammunition.
I took down the enemy and made it back to the HQ.
Three days had passed.
I was put on trial for insubordination, and found guilty.
What did I care? I lost my father to the beasts.
For a year I layed inside a dank, dusty old cell.
That is, until Dom came. He said everyone had been pardoned.
It was then that I knew they needed me, and I'd take the challenge.
I suited up in my armor and headed out with Dom to regroup with Delta.
I thought I had it easy with the team, but it only got harder.
Kim, the leader was killed just like my father was, and by the same hostile.
Carmine, the rookie sniper was shot after his rifle jammed.
It was just me, and Dom. We had met up wtih Alpha squad.
Cole and Baird.
Ambushed, we were forced inside and up against a Berserker.
We were able to obtain a Hammer of Dawn and kill it, before it killed us.
But once that was over, things began heating up.
I got promoted to Sergeant, and was instructed to lead Delta.
Well, I'm not doing it for the coalition, or the god damned Colonel.
If it was up to me, I'd forget the whole thing. But there's one detail...
We are the Gears and this is our War."