Yay, it was a fun game today, and we won 5-4 against the Blackhawks I think it was? confused Umm, yeah, the Chicago team, so anyways, it went into overtime because it was tied at 4-4 at the end of the 3rd period, and I think three, maybe four pucks flew into the crowd, and since we had practically the highest seating you could get cry we didn't have a chance to catch one. And then there was almost a fight too. Oh and I saw an old Elk River High School jersey there on the wall as well as a bunch of other high school jerseys. 3nodding And my sister figured out that the emblem or whatever for the wilds is supposed to be a bear, not a cougar as someone here thought or any other cat for that matter, she said grizzly bear, but I think black bear would make more sense since we have them here. And the moon/sun, whatever you want to call it, my sister says it's the sun, but I say the moon because the eye's a star but anyways, it's supposed to be the ear, but looking at it that way it still seems to resemble a cat... hmm, yes, well anyways, comment maybe? 4laugh