Oh my GAWD. I was covered in... |
Me, Tristan (best friend, Mt.Wag), Alana (sister, ChupaChub), and Alisha (friend) all went sledding behind the cemetary. Someoen already went and took away all the snow, so it was complete mud. Tristan went down, and he got up, and he had in mud on him a lil bit. And I only went down the hill that was slanted like this " " (no lie) because I said I would if he did. So I got down on the sled, about half way down, pretty good, a few bumps. And then, this huge bump, my sled jumps and my a** was hanging half off, and the least wanted thing, another bump, I flew, and the sled stayed, sliding. So, the seld was behind me, and I was going down on my leg, and a**, laughing my a** off. And when I got to the bottom, I was laughing like a witch. Getting up was the hard part though, Tristan got up, no problem, but then they watched me try to get up, I seriously didn't care how dirty I got, so I was slipping around in the " " like hill trying to step in his footprints, and half way up, I dropped the sled, and by then, my hands were frozen, and about to fall off, so I decided not to get it, because it was too cold, and my balls hands were freezing off. We found a rope hanging there. I grabbed it and they pulled me up. I was covered in mud, neck to foot. My new shoes were ruined, and my sweater I got the day before, completly drenched in mud. So, when I got back to Tristans house, I had to strip into my boxers and shirt (which were also covered in mud) outside. Oohlalaa, what a sight. Then I hopped in the shower, and got all the mud off, that sure as hell felt good. ^^ Then, wearing all his clothes, we watched the Pasafair. (SP) I'm tired. He made 6 packages of Ramen, and divided it up between 4 people. It was really good. And then we had egg nog.
¤´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·`¤.NiNi¸.·`
NiNi-Sama · Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 02:06am · 3 Comments |