1st Anniversary
Yes, the rumors are true, Kyle and I have hit the big one year anniversary. Yesterday was our wonderful one year celebration of our love, and we celebrated at Medieval Times in Anaheim, California. This was Kyle's first time at Medieval Times, so I was so excited! I woke up at 7 in the morning, ready to start the day! I got ready by dressing up in my pretty blue striped shirt with the white undershirt, and my tight jeans. I wore my tennis shoes because I didn't think any of my sandals would look appropriate. At 9:30, we picked up Kyle at his home and my mom dropped us off at the Greyhound Bus Station. We had a fun time riding the bus, takin pictures and cuddling the whole way. When we arrived, my mom in law drove us from the Anaheim bus station to Medieval Times. Kyle and I arrived there at 1:30 for a 3:30 show and fun hanging out with another family waiting in front of us. They didn't know anything about the show so I got to explain everything to them. We had so much fun together, and I was playing hand games with the little girls. After they let us in, Kyle and I got the Green knight, because I absolutely adore the green night!!! They took our picture with the princess and she told Kyle "Now you have a princess on each arm", and he replied, "But I prefer this one". I blushed and hugged him as we took the picture. We then hung out in the garden for a while, then went inside to get a drink. We then hit the gift shop, and while Kyle was looking around, I went to the announcement center and secretly paid the lady to have our names announced during the show. We then looked at the swords at the giftshop. Kyle wanted a real one, and was looking at the $150 one! I was like "woah, they won't even let you take that on the bus home!" So Kyle bought a 35 dollar wooden one instead and we had a great time. We looked around some more, looking at the statues, horses, and more. Kyle bought me a pink light up rose, and I absolutely adored it! Then we waited some more and once the doors opened, we went inside and sat down. There waiting for us were our programs, DVD's, and flags. At this time we were dying for the food and the show began. During the show they brought us our food, our yummy soup (Which we died for!), the garlic bread, roasted chicken, ribs, baked potato, and the pastry. I just loved the food, it was the best part! Then our photo arrived and we bought it because it was so cute! During the show, I watched the green knight the entire time, becuase he was just so cute! He threw out flowers during the show, but i didn't get one. That's okay though, because I have my rose from my true prince heart ! Then during the middle of the show, they had some special announcements. I laughed as they said "We congratulate Sir Kyle and Lady Elyse Johnson on their 1st anniversary". They even gave us a scroll with the announcement on it to take home. Kyle was so surprised, and I felt so happy as well. During the last part of the show, the green knight fought the black and white knight, and he lost stare . I was a little mad but I like the black and white knight because he looks like Howie from the Backstreet Boys. Then of course the bad guy kills the black and white knight, and who comes to save the day? Well, not the green knight, but none other than the blue knight! He saved the day, and the show was over. We left with a smile on our faces, as I took Kyle to our next surprise, which was Ripley's Believe it or Not Musuem. We had so much fun looking at the crazy facts and findings, that we couldn't help but linger a bit around the musuem. There were alot of mindgames that Kyle beat easily, and I couldn't beat at all! He's so smart! After the musuem, we went to the gift shop and bought some candy and a program. Then we went back to Medieval Times and got picked up by my mom in law. She drove us to the bus station and we waited a bit. Then we got on the bus and I fell asleep. I loved cuddling with Kyle, because he kept me warm. Then on our stop, we got off and my mom picked us up. It was such a great night, I couldn't believe it. We had such a great time, and I loved every minute of it!
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