I for one of the few times in my life feel I can better make my testimony through words then art. And so now I make it.
This day in the USA is Thanksgiving (sorry for the lateness my Canadian friends, yes Glor us Americans are slow and crazy) For years we have been told that this time it to reflect on our lives and give thanks. I, like probably many of you have never truly given this too much thought and looked mainly to the food that was sure to come, but this year some real s**t has forced me to look at my life and what keeps me going I realize there are people I need to thank and it’s long due.
To Ireth: You are one of my closest friends. You see me as strong, you see many people you think are strong but much too often you miss who needs to be recognized most, YOU! Ireth you who have been to hell and back you have the rarest kind of strength. You are the kindest most gentle person I have been privileged to meet. Through that bad you remained a wonderful, kind, giving person, to you I know I can bear my soul. Please never change there are not enough people like you in the world. Thank you.
To Glorfirth Annun: Where do I begin with you?! You also are on of my closest friends. (So is your ego XD) You are the person I usually go to for advice which says a lot because well lets face it I’m hard headed and rarely trust others enough to ask for it. It’s weird, when I first came to know you on Gaia I was sort of scared of talking to you. You were one of “the egos of the LOTR Subforum” But now your sort of like a big sister to me. I know I can tell you almost anything and can trust in you. Your life has been kind of like mine so you know what I’m going through and I know you stand by me. Thank you.
To SYFFER: You were one of my first real friends on the subforum and Gaia at all. Thanks for your help dealing with you know what. It helped to know someone else felt that way. When you made your guild you trusted me to help you and I am most grateful for that trust. It’s an important thing. Now if we can get you to not call me Goose. Thank you.
To Lothlorien: You are the only other artist I have ever worked WITH, which does actually say something. When I put up Vinya Quenta you were the first to step up and help. I do appreciate you and you will remain my friend for quite a while, I assure you. And from what I say your banner will be staying in my sig for quite awhile. Thank you.
To everyone this Thanksgiving remember the meaning of the word. Our ancestors didn’t endure each other over a feast for us to lose sight of what they tried to do for us. We are made by who we meet what we do remember this. And this year shout out your thanks, cause someone out there really deserves it, I promise you that. For that friend who hears you sour, your mother who shows you the way, the father who gives advice, everyone who has touched their live, if only for a brief glimmer of a second. Please thank them now because one day the chance to say it to their face will be gone forever and you will always regret it. So thank you Ireth, Glor, Sy, Loth, Nenya, Chewy, Chunkylimes, PZ, Mel, everyone on the subforum, everyone on Gaia and everyone else. This is what I have for you, not riddled with wit nor flowing with elegance it’s me saying thank you, so THANK YOU!

Community Member
And I agree with you, Ireth is a sweetheart who doesn't realise her own worth. Love her to bits, I do.
*huggles Gussu*