name: lucian
Age: 208
Race/Ethnic: Vampire
Background: Hunter
Height: 6"9
Weight/Body Build: 193 lb
Hair: platinum silver
Eyes: red wine
Smokes: frequently
Distinguishing Marks: large scar over right eye
What type of clothes/shoes/accessories does he/she wear: very elegant 17th century clothes white with gold lineing
Occupation/Social Class: high
Education/Intelligence: very well educated
Religious Beliefs/Strength of Beliefs: believes in the goddess of love and lust

name: kai
Age: 19
Race/Ethnic: human
Background: student
Height: 6"5
Weight/Body Build: 128 lb slim, average
Hair: white
Eyes: gray blue
Glasses/Contacts: glasses
Smokes: none
Distinguishing Marks: none
What type of clothes/shoes/accessories does he/she wear: dress shirt, slacks and a tie
Occupation/Social Class: loser, geek, dork
Education/Intelligence: high
Religious Beliefs/Strength of Beliefs: none

name: yukie
Age: 15
Race/Ethnic: human
Background: student
Height: 5"7
Weight/Body Build: 115 lb slim
Hair: black
Eyes: forest green eyes
Smokes: none
Distinguishing Marks: none
What type of clothes/shoes/accessories does he/she wear: anything a normal teenager would where unless he's at school then his school uniform
Occupation/Social Class: very sociable but not really with the "in" crowd he's more of a daydreamer
Education/Intelligence: fair
Religious Beliefs/Strength of Beliefs: believes in nature
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