“I don't care!”
The sound of a woman shouting within the next apartment was heard across the hallway. The sounds of couples fighting again, a young girl shaking her head as she lay back at the sides of the huge window with a balcony viewing the city sky. It was night and the street light mixed in harmony, the sounds of traffic, cars and pedestrians would seem like a song, if you're born in a place like this.
It doesn't bother me that much, the noise, if I would call it noise. One that troubles me are those couples from next door. Every night they would fight and they keep me up from the loud noise that they create while making up. Having a fight to have sex doesn't really sound so good.
“Does it bother you so much to try to have a life?” a little voice entered breaking her thoughts.
“How could I live a life if I have a friend who people can't see?” the girl sighed and looked down from the street and up to sky. There's not star and no moon, must be the clouds. “People think I'm crazy, even my parents think so too.”
“Everyone is crazy, in their own way,” replied the voice. “Would it be better if I materialize for everyone to see?”
“You'd like, that don't you? You'll only make my life worse,” lowering her head as she could hear the humping sound of a bed from the next door, delightful screams of the woman who was earlier fighting with her boyfriend, not again.
“You should change apartment, you know? These walls are too thin,” the voice noticed and slowly materialize next to the wall, it was a boy whose age was as old as the young girl or a bit older. He touched the wall and placed his head closed trying to listen to the sound. “Want me to scare them?”
“Geeze, Eric!” the girl stood and walked towards the kitchen to look for something to eat in the fridge. “You're such a pervert. I am glad that you don't go near me when I take a bath, or do you?” Taking a bowl out of the fridge while eying Eric who's still listening through the wall.
“Hey, I don't peek...” Eric, boy that she met when she turned twelve who became a best friend since college, he was a genius on computers and science. He died from a car accident. I would have been dead as well if you didn't rescue me. “Then again, I'm still a boy, aren't I? But I assure you, I don't peek when you're taking a bath. You're like a sister to me.” A sister, that what pains me. I'm just a sister to every guy that I tried to date. Slumping over the couch with a bowl of a home made mashed potatoes that the girl's mother taught her how to cook. She opened the TV and tried to watch placing the volume up to high, muffling the sounds of the couple having sex.
“OK, tell me what's eating you? Aside from those couples. heh,” Eric turned to walk to the couch and stopped right behind her. Eric's face started to change into something hideous.
“Don't you dare try to scare me, Eric,” I took a spoon full of mashed potatoes and wanted to throw it at him, but what's the use? He's a ghost, I'd only end up cleaning the mess. I sighed and just went to eat while watching.
“Pft. Kill joy,” Eric face went back to normal as he placed his arms around chest, stepped one side and walked through the cough, then he sat next to me and smiled. “I guess, you've known me for a long time. I'm just glad that you're not fed up with me, yet.”
“I'm not fed up with you, Eric. You saved my life for so many times, I don't even know how to repay you,” I took another spoonful and suddenly stop after swallowing the last one. “You know how my life goes. No body ever gets stuck with me for long not even friends.”
“Am I not your friend?”
“Ugh, you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, yeah. Real people are jerks sometimes but life goes on! Heh, cheer up! I mean, at least you still have a life to live. I don't even know the feeling of sadness or happiness at this point. I'm dead!”
“I wish you'd stop joking around like that,” the girl's face became more sad than the usual. “I miss the times when you and I hang out. I miss those days when you're still alive. I may just be making you up, right now.”
“Ah, well, I'm pretty sure that you're not just making me up,” Eric sees the girl's teddy bear laying lifeless on the coffee table and started possessing it. The stuffed toy started to move, it stood up and jumped next to the girl. “Would you be able to making things move? Smile! C'mon, doesn't this look cool? Maybe I should stay in here for a while. Girls would dig me now!”
(..to be continued.)
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