Stupid isn't working. I swear if it isn't temporary I will be seriously pissed off.....that site had ALL my poems on it. And I don't have most of them anywhere else. They'll be gone forever!!! T-T
Anyways, have to earn some money for Christmas presents. Need like $100 more. >.< I should really catch up on my homework. God....I wanted to get a 4.0 this year too.
Found a new Sessh/Kag pairing fanfic that's pretty good. The story line is very original. I can't wait to finish it. ^^ And I really want to read the sequel to the novel, Twilight, New Moon!! :3
I probably should go continue writing that fanfic of my own I started. I seem to start things and never finish them. One of my goals is to completely finish an actualy story. A full size one. Like...200 pages. xD Or 150 at least. Yes, I'm such a geek. ^^
As for anime, I'm tempted to go on youtube again and watch bleach as well as those series on the DVD's that Danh-chan gave me, but at the same time I'm too lazy. And I was so eager to get them too! Now they're just laying on my desk. -_-
As for my quest....Now I want a Nitemare scarf inventory went down 200k in worth after all that donating. I really should start to seriously save up. xp My ultimate goal in gaia is still so far away after a year and a half. My patience is being tested to it's limits!!!
I'll stop rambling now. [Hopes she does good on her SS presentation tomorrow on the persuasive speech]
Love to you all my friends and fellow gaians! <3
Stupid isn't working. I swear if it isn't temporary I will be seriously pissed off.....that site had ALL my poems on it. And I don't have most of them anywhere else. They'll be gone forever!!! T-T
Anyways, have to earn some money for Christmas presents. Need like $100 more. >.< I should really catch up on my homework. God....I wanted to get a 4.0 this year too.
Found a new Sessh/Kag pairing fanfic that's pretty good. The story line is very original. I can't wait to finish it. ^^ And I really want to read the sequel to the novel, Twilight, New Moon!! :3
I probably should go continue writing that fanfic of my own I started. I seem to start things and never finish them. One of my goals is to completely finish an actualy story. A full size one. Like...200 pages. xD Or 150 at least. Yes, I'm such a geek. ^^
As for anime, I'm tempted to go on youtube again and watch bleach as well as those series on the DVD's that Danh-chan gave me, but at the same time I'm too lazy. And I was so eager to get them too! Now they're just laying on my desk. -_-
As for my quest....Now I want a Nitemare scarf inventory went down 200k in worth after all that donating. I really should start to seriously save up. xp My ultimate goal in gaia is still so far away after a year and a half. My patience is being tested to it's limits!!!
I'll stop rambling now. [Hopes she does good on her SS presentation tomorrow on the persuasive speech]
Love to you all my friends and fellow gaians! <3