I just love to quote people.
And the quotes look so pretty on Gaia. whee heart
So I'm going to put a bunch of quotes here, that I've collected over the last period. whee 3nodding heart
In a video game, she'd be the boss that just won't die. gonk
xd heart
Hades Hellsarmy
BULMA heart
Pimpin' Bulma :O heart
100% Bulma
HI BULMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I seem to be popular all of the sudden! surprised heart
We would not fight, make waffles not war!!! heart heart
That's one true word, Sarah m'dear. heart
Ah, yes. The 'where would you lick the avatar above you'-game.
And people just kept licking my shoulder! gonk gonk gonk
To prove it, here is a sample of the people that thought of my shoulder as YUMMY... xp
her shoulder.
her shoulder
(yes he said it twice) xp heart
Her shoulder.
^^ Ugh Took what I was going to say to bulma gonk
xd xd xd
I love the Word Games. heart
I love you because you are Bulma. Dammit it woman, isn't that enough?!!? scream heart xd heart
whee heart heart Pokua is so cool. 3nodding
Bulma: I heart U whee
Awww. heart heart heart
Xander, I love you too. whee heart
Kiwi Sebastian
^Bulma's outfit makes the Pebbo on my hat fry. (:
Gotta love that. gonk heart
Wow. Look at all the space I filled with useless quotes!
Go me!
Bulma Greenleaf
Bulma Greenleaf
EAT MEH domokun heart
*eats Bulma*
*is eaten by Nemesis*
The non-working quoting in PMs is really bothering me... gonk
It's quite scary that you talk through my stomach... eek I could be the worlds greatest ventriloquist ... sorry.. WE could be.
xd That really made me laugh out loud. heart heart heart
I'd love to go out with you but..... AUGH!!!!! *points behind them*ABIGPINKFLUFFYDISTRACTION!!!!!!! *runs*
xd heart heart heart
Ginger Snapple
[Bulma, you should be glad I'm giving you these horrible deaths. I mean, think about it, I'm not taking you for a whimp and giving you too many pills or anything. I'm making you seem like you'll be tough on your death bed.]
(From the 'How will the person above you die'-thread. I just HAD to put this in here) heart
Nothing wrong with a naughty martian elf crossbreed
Aww, I love you guys too. heart
Justin Robison
Because i coincidentally have fetishes for girls with red hair, girls with animal tails and ears, girls with pimp hats, and girls with no pants or skirts/dresses on. heart heart heart heart
Cool. whee heart
Oh! And look what I got from heart Kai Lani heart !!!
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Hawt. 3nodding heart
Community Member
Because you are...truly teh pimpness surprised heart