[E] Yet Another Dream...
Yes, that's right! I had this dream last night... xD I meant to leave the details I remember earlier today, but I was hyper, and hyper makes good times with the friends. Also, I was busy working on the LTF. ((Those not familiar with the LTF will find a link to "the list" in my signature.))
So, anyway... Let's see if I can still recall as much of my dream from last night.
My body was a physical incarnation of the Goddess Hersephone (("her-se-phony" wink ) who, in my dream, was Egyptian, though I doubt she really exists.... ~will have to look into it when she's not lazy~
The people I protected were in the act of moving their entire town because of some sign that they ought to move. The sign being, that my sanctuary would always fall apart (and not from old age).
When I was doing my Goddessly duties and actively protecting the people under my wing, I was a pretty typical all-powerful person. ><
When I had retired to my chambers, I was pretty much like myself now, and the humans that were my personal attendants always acted. Literally. They were as though they were actors behind the scenes, slappin' meh high fives and chatting and whatnot. I think I remember one of them who was always drinking coffee.
In the midst of our moving, I had to fight off raiders. These guys reminded me of the Desert Hornets from Steambot Chronicles, except they weren't in robots, though they may as well have been. I have no idea what we used for transportation through that desert, but they weren't any four-legged creature I know about. >>
At one point somewhere along the line, I noticed that my sanctuary was trying to breakdown as we traveled, and I discovered that some of the people were losing faith in me. And for some strange reason, it had to do with my appearance. So, insert the randomest scene of the dream!
I was suddenly in the hall way here at my home, standing in front of the big mirror, and my mom was curling my hair and making it shiny and fancy. As she was doing the finishing touches and the curling iron was cooling down to warm, my cat Surreal jumped up on the counter to see what we were doing, and Mom brushed the side of the iron against her side. My cat seemed to enjoy that and kept rubbing up on it and meowing.
And... I woke up when I was turning to go back to where ever it was that those people I was protecting were.
The end! And, Sock... I hope this dream doesn't make you want c[censors word, knowing saying it may invoke the craving]s .... ^__^
I must check this link later...