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VICE-CNC's Journal
PSO/PSU stuff. Or my Stories
NGH Ep13
(*Ibuka was just there sitting to her self the whole time*)
(*While the others were getting there gear*)
(*As she was sitting there, she was thinking about her past memeories with Ayu*)

{Flash back time n_n}

Ayu: Hi! My names Ayu! Ayu Cary! And you?

Ibuka: .....

Ayu: Hey? Can you talk?

Ibuka: .....

Ryoka: Ibuka say hi sweety

(*Ibuka just ran behind Ryu and was hiding*)

RYU: What's wrong Ibuka?

VICE: Is there something wrong with your Kid?

Ryoka: Shes shy around people...

(*Ayu just looked at Ibuka hiding behind Ryu*)

Ayu: Mr Ryu...

RYU: Hm?

Ayu: Is Ibuka afraid of me?

RYU: Well.. I guess you can say she is... But she'll come around sooner or later

Ryoka: So Mass, Whos the father of Ayu?

VICE: Um...

RYU: Yeah, I can't believe you found someone to have a child with

VICE: Well...

Ayu: ... I.. I don't have a father...

Ryoka: What? You don't?

Ayu: No...

RYU: What happen Vice? Did something happen to Ayu's father?

(*Vice was just playing with her fingers and said*)

VICE: Well...

(*She then neeled down to Ayu and looked at her and then to Ryu and Ryoka*)

VICE: I wasn't planning on ever coming back here again...
But when i had Ayu.. Things changed...
The reason i came back here is to let Ayu meet her father..

Ayu: Huh? You mean.. I have a Dad?

(*Vice put her hand on top of Ayu's head and said*)

VICE: Heh, If you didn't then you wouldn't be here silly

Ryoka: Oh! Whos the father? Do we know him?

VICE: .....

RYU: Well Vice, Do we?

(*Marino walked by and saw Vice and said*)

Marino: Vice? I didn't know you were here... It's been a long time...
Your mom would love to see you again if she knew you were here

VICE: Hey Marino


Marino: Vice? Is this your child?

VICE: Yep..

(*Marino look to Ayu and said*)

Marino: Hey there young one. And what is your name?

Ayu: Hi Ma'ma! I'm Ayu Cary!

Marino: Heheh, She sure has alot of energy does she


(*Marino then looked closely at Ayu*)

Marino: Wait a minute...

(*She then looked at Ryu and then back at Ayu again*)

(*Marino eyes got huge with shock*)

Ayu: Something wrong Ma'ma?

Marino: *Cough* *Cough* I think i need to go to the other room....

RYU: Oh, Ok Mom

Marino: Looks like, I'm another grand mother...

RYU: What was that mom?

Marino: Oh, Nothing... Just said i need to get some water to stop this cough i have...
*Cough* *Cough*

Ryoka: You should really get that looked at Marino

Marino: Yes.. I'll do that now... Oh and Ryoka.. If i were you.. I would sit down...

Ryoka: Sit down?

Marino: Yes.. It wouldn't be wise for you to be standing since your pregnant..

Ryoka: Heheh, Yeah but i'm fine

Marino: Alright... I warned you..

Ryoka: Huh?

(*And then Marino left like she knew what was gonna happen*)

RYU: So? Do we know him?

VICE: Well...

(*A few mintues later*)

Marino: Hm.. I guess Ryoka took it better then i thought... But i guess, since her and Vice are...

(*Then out of no where Marino heard the loudest scream*)

Marino: Never mind...

(*As Ryoka fainted, Ayu ran over to Ryu*)
(*Hugging him cause she couldn't believe that she had a dad*)

Ayu: Wow! This is so cool!

RYU: Um.. Yeah it is. Hahaha...

(*Ryu said as he was rubbing the back of his head*)

VICE: Geez, Ryoka. It's not that big of a deal... Beside, I was with him before you were...
So it happened by mistake...

(*Ryoka still remain passed out on the ground*)

Ayu: So that means i have sister!

(*She said as she ran and huged Ibuka*)

Ibuka: Sister?

Ayu: Yeah! You and me are sisters! And will be close sisters for ever baby sister!

{End of flash back n_n}

(*Ree then saw Ibuka in her locker room just sitting to her self*)

REE: Geez, Ibuka seem really down... Untill it's creepy...

VICE: Don't worry about her... She'll be fine...

REE: If you say so...

VICE: We need to worry about who we're up against... Ibuka will be ok

REE: Alright...

(*Mean while*)

(*Ayu was looking at her self in the mirror in her locker room thinking to her self*)

{Flash back time n_n}

Ayu: I can't believe this is our first day going to school together! This gonna be so cool!

(*Ibuka was just sad and quiet*)

Ayu: What's wrong baby sister?

Ibuka: ... My Mommy is gonna have a baby...

Ayu: Yeah i know! Isn't that gonna be cool? Were gonna have a little brother or sister
Heheh, I can't wait!

Ibuka: I don't want a little brother or sister...

Ayu: What? Why not?

Ibuka: Because... When he or she comes... I won't be the..

Ayu: Hm?

Ibuka: I won't be the baby anymore and you can't call me baby sister no more...

Ayu: Heheh, Is that all?

Ibuka: Ahuh...

Ayu: Well you might not be the baby anymore... But you'll be a big sister just like me

Ibuka: Just like you?

Ayu: Yep! And it will be our job to look out for our baby brother or sister

Ibuka: It will?

Ayu: You bet! Grown ups can't have fun like we kids can,
And so we have to him or her the ropes on how being a kid is like

Ibuka: Ok

Ayu: Now, Let's hurry and meet our moms so we can leave for school

Ibuka Ok

{End of flash back n_n}

(*Ayu just sighed and said*)

Ayu: We gotta do what we gotta do

(*She said as she was getting her gear ready*)

(*Iruka saw Ibuka sitting by her self alone and went over to talk to her*)

IruKa: Hey...

Ibuka: .....

Iruka: Cheer up Miss Ibuka, It's not that bad...

Ibuka: What do you know...

Iruka: Ibuka... Just think of it as practicing with your sister,
In stead of thinking it's a fight...

Ibuka: ... You don't understand...

Iruka: ....

Ibuka: Your my enemy... So why are you here? ....

Iruka: ..... I'm sorry...

(*Ibuka just sat there quietly for a momment and said to her*)

Ibuka: I can't hurt Ayu... Shes my only true friend....

Iruka: .....

{Flash back time! n_n}

Kid #1: What are you? Some kid of freak or something?

Ibuka: ....

Kid #2: You just sit there and do nothing....
That's way no one will ever be friends with someone like you...

Ibuka: Please just go away...

Kid #3: Wow! She talks! At first i just thought she was a life less thing

Ibuka: ... I..I'am not life less...

(*She said as she was almost about to start crying*)

Kid #1: Look like shes about to cry

Kid #2: Aww, Are we starting to make the lifelss baby cry?

Ibuka: Leave me alone!

Kid #3: Hahaha!, What a cry baby!

(*As Ibuka started crying Ayu noticed her and then ran over there as quickly as she could*)

Ayu: Ibuka?

Kid 1#: Hey new kid, Don't bother with this lifeless thing, she nothing but a cry baby

Kid 2#: Yeah!

Ayu: What do you Jerks think your doing!?

Kid 3#: Huh?

Ayu: Ibuka, are you ok?

(*Ibuka was just crying, and Ayu held her in her arms and said to the other kids*)

Ayu: What did you do to my baby sister!?

Kid 2#: What? Your sister?

Ayu: Yes! She my sister!

Ibuka: (*Sniff*) (*Sniff*) They.. They called me a lifeless thing

(*She said as she was crying*)

Ayu: What!? TEACHER!

(*After a few minutes the kids that made fun of Ibuka was in the Principal Office*)
(*And Ayu and Ibuka were outside playing on the play ground*)

Ibuka: Ayu...

Ayu: Yeah baby sister?

Ibuka: ... Why do other kids make fun of me?

Ayu: Well.. There just meanies that don't know any better

Ibuka: I wish they did... I hate being picked on..

Ayu: Do those kids always make fun of you and pick on you?

Ibuka: Yeah... But the other kids don't even wanna be friends with me...

Ayu: Is that so...

Ibuka: Ahuh...

Ayu: Well i'll be your friend baby sister

Ibuka: But your my sister...

Ayu: Yeah, But it doesn't mean we can't be friends either

Ibuka: .... I wish i was like you Ayu... So no one would pick on me..

Ayu: Heh, Don't worry, when you become a sakura flower then you will be liked by everyone

Ibuka: Sakura flower?

Ayu: Ahuh, You see right now your a seed

Ibuka: A seed? And what are you?

Ayu: Well i'm a rose...

Ibuka: Oh...

Ayu: Hehe, Don't worry... When you start growing you will become a Sakura Flower...
And Sakura Flowers tent to be the most beautiful flowers in the world,
I think...

Ibuka: Really!?

Ayu: Hehe, Yep! Now let's play before we have to go back inside

Ibuka: Ok

{End of flash back n_n}

Ibuka: And that's why i can't fight her...

Iruka: I think i understand... She was right about you becoming a Sakura Flower..

Ibuka: Hm?!

Iruka: Hehe

(*Iruka then grabed Ibuka's left hand and said*)

Iruka: I will be your friend...

Ibuka: Huh?

(*Ibuka was shocked by Iruka grabing her hand and saying that to her*)

Iruka: So you don't have to feel like you only have one friend in the world...

Ibuka: But aren't you...

Iruka: The truth is that... Me Bee, and Ayazana our counter parts of you and your sister...
Our Master wanted powerful warriors so he based use off of Gen..

Ibuka: I see...

Iruka: But he made flaws in all 3 of us which made Bee and Ayazana crazied over to ruin...
There counter parts lifes... But my self was a bigger flaw then my sisters...

Ibuka: A bigger flaw? And that is?

Iruka: Is that i show weakness... As my Master said.. I care about my counter pa...

(*As soon as she was about to finish talking Alastor walked down the hall*)

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