My first DAY.....with this NEW website..... :/
Well...My first day! It's a very interesting topic to talk about you know..... Well let me begin....I had a friend help me with this.I was so very confussed with all of this website hubabal! I first made a YAHOO account in order to make my Gaia account! Then once the task was once completed I went onto making my new Gaia account.....which by the way wasn't very eaisly handeled.....but we made it through with out DYING! THANK THE LORD!!!! Then I made my avatar...then shopped for some clothes...and then made a post and a journal (the one I am writing in at this very moment in time....hehe) So now I am to wait and find out about the wonders of this website and then after that task is accomplished I am off to kill the evil flying bunnies under [Kurana]'s bed! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ! ! ! ! ! Good bye all!