So I was chatting with santa_kitty and Kataio F on MSN... relaxing, when I popped on Gaia to bump my friends threads, check my messages and do some fishing, I see I have a PM waiting from Dragoil, the wonderful creature who's drawing the line art for my shop...
Since I have an order in for line art I thought.. "Yaye... its done already!!!" But no. She wanted to cancle, because her time is really a shoestring lately. I replied to let her know I didn't mind her puting it off till February.
She was pleased aparently because the next thing I knew, this was her response:
Well less secret.. I've been trying to deside who this last one is for Enjoy Trivii, and if you wan't a link to the main shop just ask ^^, This opens at Xmas.
I was so happy... a secret santa gift. redface