___________MAIN RPC___________
[»]Name: Zorrah
[»]Nicknames: Destruction
[»]Birthday: unknown
[»]Sex: Female
[»]Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Black Market Trader
[»]Sexuality: None
[»]Powers: Blood Magic
[>>] Traits:
[»]Appears Age: Twenty-six
[»]Age: One hundred twenty-two
[»]Hair color: Black with blue tint
[»]Eye Color: Blue and black
[»]Skin Color: White
[»]Height: 5/7
[»]Weight: 145
[»]Build: Athletic form with curves
[>>] Family:
[»]Marital Status: Single
[»]Birth Father: Unknown
[»]Birth Mother: Unknown
[»]Siblings: N/A
[»]Best Friend:
[>>] Personality:
[»]Dominique has a passion for learning new things. Having been stuck inside for most of her life. (Practicing her magic and learning.) This often gets her into trouble, since she has been out of the temple. She can be stubborn and often wants to always be right. She is a spitfire and will stand up to anyone that tries to threaten her family.
[→]✓: Loyal, Honest, Protective
[→]✗: Trusts to easily, Angers Easily, Headstrong
[→]❤: Any fruits, freedom, learning new things, books
[→]☠: small spaces, trapped, debt, snakes