I'm a futurist and a believer that we are not alone in this universe. Xenoblade Chronicles X uses this premise to create a well crafted RPG.
40 years into the future, a war between alien races reaches the Solar System and the Earth is caught in the crossfire. Fearing humanity's future, numerous Space Arks are launched into space in hopes of finding a hospitable planet for humanity to restart their lives. This is the story of one of those arks, the White Whale which houses New Los Angeles as it crash lands on the planet of Mira. You, an amnesiac, are thrust into the new alien world as humanity tries to adjust to their new home world while encountering the same aliens that caused the destruction of Earth, now set out to complete the total genocide of humanity's last survivors.
Xenoblade Chronicles X features the Avatar building system, allowing you to portray yourself however you please. Additionally, the game boasts 6 ending classes each with a different set of close range and ranged weapons for you. As you progress though classes, you gain the ability to use new weapon specific arts and skills and can freely equip and improve them based on your play style. In battle, your character auto attacks at certain intervals and can use arts freely by player choice. However, since there is no mana-like system, arts goes on cooldown after usage and depends on the type of art. Once a class has been max leveled, you can freely use the weapons of the class in other classes. Armor and weapons can be bough or dropped from monsters each with different effects from certain element resistances to bonus battle traits. By supporting local business, you unlock more equipment and brand name item perks. Probably one of the best features of the games are the Skells, Gundam like robots that provide not only solid transportation, but enhanced combat abilities. Though they are a bit pricey, the enhanced combat and protection are nice perks. If a player "dies", luckily there is no penalty whatsoever. However if a Skell is destroyed, the player will have to pay a hefty fine to have it replaced once their insurance is used up.
You are also given a cast of 18 characters to freely arrange into a four person squad for missions and battles. Each are unique and provides different options for your battle needs. For the most part, Elma and Lin will be almost always in your party as they are story important and you'll once in a while have to add certain characters for story missions and affinity missions. 8 of the characters are story important and will be with you for this 12 chapter, 50+ hour story, again with Elma and Lin as your forefront party, and the others filling in the fourth slot from time to time.
There are hundreds of missions including monster hunts, gathering resources, solving local problems, and taking down monster threats known as Tyrants. You'll get a pretty wide variety to missions that will take you across 5 continents, but luckily there are fast travel options and numerous information probes to place that can provide you with easy access around the world and easy money revenue generation. Together with the already at least 40 hour story line, you can rack up a pretty solid 100+ hour game time.
Nonny's Rating: 9/10. Any RPG fan will love this game. It has good depth in combat, awesome game features with the skells, and a pretty well written story that leaves room for a potential sequel. It's a good Wii U game for those of you who are interested in a good game.
Nonny's Tips: Finding research probes are important because late game stuff needs large sums of money. they are much more uncommon than a mining probe so prioritize these as much as possible.
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Now that's Capsuled strategy!