...and she's become an adult! Waaah!
crying So, my Graduation Party is tomorrow. S'mores, big fire, chips, gallons of soda-pop, hot dogs and burgers. I expect you all to be there. ALL OF YOU.
More like, just the Inner Circle. So if you aren't a member of the Inner Circle (well, NONE of you are, except for Kiesa Amalla) then you aren't invited. No S'mores for 'joo!
So Kiesa Amalla bought me a Graduation Present last night--we went to the mall and got me something I really wanted. A Tarot book--so now I can start!
And yeah, I've been practicing. A few of my readings are kind of strange though; I can show you, Kiesa, because I'm keeping a notebook full of each and every use of the cards.
You'll see; they're pretty bizarre.
OH, you SO need to read the book you bought me! You'll love it; this guy is one of those open-minded, easy-to-understand, uber nice writers. He encourages people to make their own card spreads--I've already somewhat started using one that isn't really popular.
So that's really good that you made that one, now you can experiment and make more to your liking!
I already know how to use the Celtic Cross spread by heart--but that's because I've listened to you for YEARS as you said the cards' placements as you set them down. It's been ingrained in my mind...
eek I'm going to get started on the inside cover of my Book of Shadows today. I'll probably putting a lot of effort, planning, intricate detail, and time into the first couple introductory pages.
I'm sure they'll turn out really pretty so long as I keep my patience.
I'll be "illuminating" it with my other colors of inks, too. So that should be spiff-tacular, if you know what I mean, yayaya...
xd Yay, here's where I'm taking art requests:
No Name ArtJust follow the instructions, check my art-profile for specs, and request away! Please? I'm poor... I dont know how to save gold; I've got too much to buy!
I'm... watching infomercials. Someone kill me please. End it now...