Sex: Male (I don't have a lot of them)
Sexual orientation: Other (he only has feelings for people from his past life)
Color scheme: I know you said three.... but I was indecisive between two colors

Animal/monster: Ghost/human/panda hybrid (I'm weird, I know)
Style: He's into punk rock, pastel and tribal
Reference Pics:
Has pale blue skin, in which he can change the transparency of.
His hair is also blue but he dyes it purple. He has a silver streak in his fringe. He has a chelsea hawk and usually puts it into man buns or leaves it down--never in a hawk.
Both of his eyes are blue with green but his right eye is more green and his left eye is more blue.
He has several piercings: snake bites, a labret, 2 vampires, a septum, a 00g ear, a 10g ear, 12g ear, a 18g ear, an "anti-tragus," and a "cartilage" (he doesn't have human ears so this is all on his panda ears)
He has a ton of tattoos, most of which are on his arms (see first ref pic) heart