I wanted to make a little update about stuff and things ( emotion_awesome ) since something pretty effing major in Flare Land has been officially confirmed.
First of all, in EXACTLY ten days I will no longer be working Job A and Job B. I will be working my last shift at Job A on the thirtieth of April and I'm at a loss for words about how that makes me feel. I mean, I'm so happy and excited and exhilarated and BLUUUUUUUUUURRRGGGH that I now understand what people mean when they say they can't even. Because I can't even can't even.
May. May. May. May. In May a couple big huge major things will be going on; for one, I will be throwing myself into my new job with both barrels blazing. It won't just be Job B starting May first. It will be The Job. The Job I've always wanted.
The other big thing happening in May is...


I've never been to Disney. I've driven through north Florida but that was when I was really young and it didn't even register why I should care. I'm a big overgrown kid anyway and this is just a major dream come true for me. I mean...I CAN'T EVEN.
I've known for awhile this was maybe going to happen but now it seems to be ACTUALLY happening and I am losing my ever loving s**t at every possible chance. I don't allow myself to get excited about things until I'm as sure as I can be that they will indeed happen...and even then I try to wait because I never underestimate the Loki side of the universe's sense of humor. I've watched the plans being made, the plane tickets being bought, the maps being shown to me...I know the things that need to be packed and we have friends that will be kitty-sitting for us but STILL. I haven't allowed myself to fully believe it's happening.
...But I think it is, guys. And holy CRAP. I. HAS. SUCH. EXCITE.
Not only topical but perfectly on point; this is pretty much what my poor husband has been dealing with the closer we get to May 8th (that's when I get on a plane for the first time ever; oh, and I'm phobic of heights so that in and of itself is gonna be an Awfully Big Adventure):

...I know how morbid this sounds but there's so many great things going on right now that I'm afraid I'm close to dying. xD A friend of mine said the other day that it was about time that things started to work out the way they have been because I deserve it but I don't know. I'm the type that's always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
BUT. *Claps hands* I'm trying hard to get better about s**t like that. That's why I made this entry- to show I'm trying hard to have faith that things are always working towards the best possible outcome.
Annnnndddd because I'm so stupidly super stoked about things right now that I feel like if I don't share my good news with the people I care about the most I will just asplode all over the place in a rainbow Redbull Christmas tree light asplosion. @.@
GUYS. DIDNEY. @.@ heart
Also, nerd that I am...We're gonna have a two hour layover in Georgia so even my Walking Dead obsession is getting some action. xD I'm all about Walking Dead so that's just the cherry on top. @.@
Seriously. I COULD DIE. @.@ heart
But hopefully not in a plane crash. Because I'm freaking the ******** OUT about that but I'm stayin' positive and focusin' on the Didney and the Georgia and the massive amounts of fun I'mma have and...
If any of my Florida RPers are gonna be in that area around that time we should totally meet up. cat_ninja heart