When I was young we would always go on a roadtrip at night. At that time, road are free from the busy life. No color coding, no traffic, peacefulsorrounding, only few vehicles and the night lights are amazing. Streetlights, glowing sign boards, and maybe christmas light. I personally think that you could really know a city, a province or a place when the sky turn dark and the moon shine.
I really love to walk around at night, thank God nothing bad happens to me, you know the generation, it's to dangerous alking at night. But even though it's dangerous I take a risk to rome around. There are really things that you cant see at night. I would go to the carnival, the night market eating streetfoods, and the park with all the color lights that looks so beautiful.
As I said I love walking at night. As a cold breeze would brush againts my tan skin I would always miss him. I miss our high school moments. I miss how we held hands, I miss how he drape his arounds around my shoulder, I miss how he hug me when it's too cold and I dont have a jacket. It always take me to deep thinking. I would always text him afterwards and tell him that I miss him.
Words really cant expalin how I love night.