You know, I really should stop with the whole two year hiatus thing when it comes to writing journal updates. Is it really that hard to spend a few minutes to write something every once in a while? Apparently in my case, it is. Really, really hard.
Hello, dear readers! To those of you that have been sitting on the edge of your seat thinking, "WHEN IS KOUHAICHAN UPDATING?????" Well, then here is the moment you've been waiting for!
Today, I had a random urge to look at all of my old journals from various sites. The result is staring at the screen in embarrassment as I question why I was so stupid. And no, I'm not saying that I've turned into the ultimate cool kid or a pretentious jerk. I'm still very much a dork, but a better dork than I was before, if that makes any sense (off to a great start here). Anyway, as I was reading the journals, I felt bad that I never went into depth that much and just talked about trivial stuff. I'm not a good blogger by any means, but I had fun doing it. And sure there's tumblr, but I mostly just work reblog things instead of posting. Part of me still wants to try blogging again, but not right now, and not on this site. If I ever decide to try blogging again, I might decide to leave a link for you guys. But for now, this is probably my last journal entry here on Gaia.
Before I leave this blog, I just wanted to tie all loose ends from all of my open-ended journals, and tell you how my life's been so far. Just for all of you guys that have been SO enraptured by my previous posts.
My response to my previous entries, in (somewhat) chronological order:
1. I'm still a daemian, though I've been talking less with Seph for a long time now. He's mainly a really nice presence or gives me reminders to do my work when I procrastinate (which is a lot)
2. I discovered the guy behind the how-to-be videos ages ago, past self. His name is Ryan Higa and he is amazing. Also, I spend a large portion of my day watching YouTube videos nowadays, and it is awesome.
3. I've never talked to that girl who left Gaia for years, and I can't remember her username. I wonder how she's doing; I hope she's well. Her departure wasn't really as dramatic as I made it sound.
4. Twilight sucks. Yes, I enjoyed reading it at the time, but when you think about it it really is bad. I was already having doubts about the series during the second book (are you REALLY going to kill yourself just to hear his voice, Bella?), but the last book just clinched it for me. I don't care much for the movies, either. You could find all kinds of reviews and opinions online if you want to find out more.
5. I never pursued that dream of becoming a physicist, but space and the universe is still really cool.
6. Star Ocean: First Departure was and STILL is one of my favorite games of all time. I also got the second game, but I never got to beat it because of a scratch that mysteriously appeared on the disk. I was right at the final boss, too...
7. I never got an iPhone, and I didn't swtich to AT&T. For the past four years I've been using Android, and it's been a good experience (though the Cliq was pretty bad after a year of use). But soon we'll be switching to Verizon and I decided to finally accomplish my pre-teen dream of owing an iPhone. So...yeah.
8. House of Night ALSO stinks, though not as bad as Twilight. I would stop reading it, but I've invested too much time and money to stop now. It's gotten to the point where I care more about side characters than the main protagonist. At least it'll be over soon!
9. I made it through 10 grade. As well as 11 and 12th grade. Now, I'm a college freshman who's almost done with their finals (I understand their pain now). High school was...good. I had some ups and downs, and a lot of stupid mistakes, but mainly I had a good experience. I made a lot of good friends, too, though I don't see them as often now since attending a different college from them. And college so far has been great; I like the freedom in class choices and schedules, I just hope next semester will be as good, too.
10. I still use my DA, though I haven't been posting much art nowadays. If you want you can find it, it has the same username as this one.
Aaaaaaaand that's basically all I have to say. It's been fun---but it's time for me to end this now. Thank you to everyone who ever read my entries, as stupid as they were. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Also I forgot how silly these emoticons are. Excuse me: biggrin smile xd 3nodding stressed heart wink ninja dramallama oh god drama llama
Okay, I'm done now.
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