First: Jean
Middle: Marc
Last: Aguillon
Hometown: Paris, France
Age: 17
Talent: Writing (Poetry and Stories)
Class Schedule:
Geometry 2
English 2
Study Hall
Early Release
Elective: Creative Writing
Grade Level: Junior
Short Life Story: Jean-Marc's father died when he was only 2 years old, so he grew up without a father. Jean-Marc's mother was always rather over-protective, but very loving and sweet. He grew up without wondering too much about his father, but he always wished he had a sibling or two since the house was always lonely with just him and his mother. Throughout middle school, Jean-Marc was harshly bullied, and that is one of the reasons his self-esteem is so low. It was really hard for Jean-Marc to cope with the bullying he faced, but he found an outlet in writing and is an aspiring poet. Jean-Marc is extremely shy around strangers, but he is mellow and happy-go-lucky around his friends and family. He gets embarrassed pretty easily, and his self-esteem is pretty low... but one of his goals is to build up his self-esteem. Jean-Marc is a deep-thinker and spend a lot of time simply thinking, but he also drifts off into daydreams fairly often. He is an intelligent boy who works hard, but he also gets distracted easily.
Seme, Uke, Or Seke: Uke
Signed: Otulissa