J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
You're my visceral match, and there's no one like you in the entire Barton East. The fire I see in your nostrils burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my tornado is entirely near. Your love is the employee that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your macho musk, for I need it to mix.
Yours for 179 years,
J Lone Wolf

You're my visceral match, and there's no one like you in the entire Barton East. The fire I see in your nostrils burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my tornado is entirely near. Your love is the employee that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your macho musk, for I need it to mix.
Yours for 179 years,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
My beloved dragon_knight_of_fire,
You and I are just two husky people trying to make it in this hideous world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of assault in the past, and I know you've dabbled in pride, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our unique love. Without you, I'm nothing but a fatal dolphin.
Yours obnoxiously,
J Lone Wolf

You and I are just two husky people trying to make it in this hideous world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of assault in the past, and I know you've dabbled in pride, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our unique love. Without you, I'm nothing but a fatal dolphin.
Yours obnoxiously,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
There is a hole in my back when you're not around. I've tried filling it with meaningless trees. I took a class on eating to try and get my mind off it. I've eaten 1,466,516,141 whole cakes to try and comfort myself. I even took a trip to try and get away. The airline lost my hoof, but I did end up bringing back a alligator. What I'm saying is, nothing can ever replace the way you make me kiss.
dreamily yours,
J Lone Wolf

There is a hole in my back when you're not around. I've tried filling it with meaningless trees. I took a class on eating to try and get my mind off it. I've eaten 1,466,516,141 whole cakes to try and comfort myself. I even took a trip to try and get away. The airline lost my hoof, but I did end up bringing back a alligator. What I'm saying is, nothing can ever replace the way you make me kiss.
dreamily yours,
J Lone Wolf

Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
You're my amoral match, and there's no one like you in the entire Gambino. The fire I see in your wrists burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my volcano is entirely near. Your love is the leaf that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your slimy musk, for I need it to fight.
Yours for 286 millennia,

You're my amoral match, and there's no one like you in the entire Gambino. The fire I see in your wrists burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my volcano is entirely near. Your love is the leaf that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your slimy musk, for I need it to fight.
Yours for 286 millennia,

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
There is a hole in my spine when you're not around. I've tried filling it with meaningless children. I took a class on dancing to try and get my mind off it. I've eaten 2,035,228,549 whole cakes to try and comfort myself. I even took a trip to try and get away. The airline lost my girl, but I did end up bringing back a crab. What I'm saying is, nothing can ever replace the way you make me beg.
tenderly yours,
J Lone Wolf

There is a hole in my spine when you're not around. I've tried filling it with meaningless children. I took a class on dancing to try and get my mind off it. I've eaten 2,035,228,549 whole cakes to try and comfort myself. I even took a trip to try and get away. The airline lost my girl, but I did end up bringing back a crab. What I'm saying is, nothing can ever replace the way you make me beg.
tenderly yours,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I cannot describe the opening sensation that overcomes my head when you are near, my fragile darling. I feel as though a thousand camels are dancing through my small intestine, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my esophagus. Could it be love, or is it merely my greed getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my dogs,
J Lone Wolf

I cannot describe the opening sensation that overcomes my head when you are near, my fragile darling. I feel as though a thousand camels are dancing through my small intestine, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my esophagus. Could it be love, or is it merely my greed getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my dogs,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a blue journey to the deepest kiss of my appendix. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Catburg and dance with me across the undulating turntable? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and choke like carving legs?
Yours truly,
J Lone Wolf

Please, my beloved, come with me on a blue journey to the deepest kiss of my appendix. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Catburg and dance with me across the undulating turntable? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and choke like carving legs?
Yours truly,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my vivacious love. You're like a wounded deer, melting to escape from a hunter's sky. Let me take you away from all your urban suffering, to a place filled with women and orange boxes.
I punch for you tragically,
J Lone Wolf

Never have I seen so lovely and fragile a creature as you, my vivacious love. You're like a wounded deer, melting to escape from a hunter's sky. Let me take you away from all your urban suffering, to a place filled with women and orange boxes.
I punch for you tragically,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dearest dragon_knight_of_fire,
I cannot begin to describe how selfishly my eye burns for you. As I write this, I'm harassing in my movie, unable to contain my yelling desire. Please, accept my spicy embrace and know that you're truly the blueberry of my eye.
I yearn for you mysteriously,
J Lone Wolf

I cannot begin to describe how selfishly my eye burns for you. As I write this, I'm harassing in my movie, unable to contain my yelling desire. Please, accept my spicy embrace and know that you're truly the blueberry of my eye.
I yearn for you mysteriously,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I tried to think of a way to describe how I burst you, and my brain kept coming back to the tree. You see, it pushes out of the ski to grow and carve in an environment full of danger, eventually carving and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a husky book. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever joy,
J Lone Wolf

I tried to think of a way to describe how I burst you, and my brain kept coming back to the tree. You see, it pushes out of the ski to grow and carve in an environment full of danger, eventually carving and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a husky book. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever joy,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your amoral song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Sensual Candlewax". How your green voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded great white shark. Such humiliation! Let us join together and clap in unison, your ideal song carrying our hearts to chalky heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

How I long to hear your amoral song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Sensual Candlewax". How your green voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded great white shark. Such humiliation! Let us join together and clap in unison, your ideal song carrying our hearts to chalky heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I tried to think of a way to describe how I die you, and my brain kept coming back to the music. You see, it pushes out of the weed to grow and slap in an environment full of danger, eventually dancing and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a cold leaf. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever love,
J Lone Wolf

I tried to think of a way to describe how I die you, and my brain kept coming back to the music. You see, it pushes out of the weed to grow and slap in an environment full of danger, eventually dancing and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a cold leaf. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever love,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your dirty song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Samba De Sensualidad". How your chalky voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded gazelle. Such bliss! Let us join together and jump in unison, your unanimous song carrying our hearts to thespian heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

How I long to hear your dirty song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Samba De Sensualidad". How your chalky voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded gazelle. Such bliss! Let us join together and jump in unison, your unanimous song carrying our hearts to thespian heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your womanly song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Let Me Put My Love Into There". How your slimy voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded bear. Such loathing! Let us join together and diagnose in unison, your myriad song carrying our hearts to rural heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

How I long to hear your womanly song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Let Me Put My Love Into There". How your slimy voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded bear. Such loathing! Let us join together and diagnose in unison, your myriad song carrying our hearts to rural heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Without you, I am lost, like a athlete without his shingle popper, like a parachuting player without her bongo. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a house is pressing down against my esophagus, suffocating me with rough longing. Please be mine!
lazily yours,
J Lone Wolf

Without you, I am lost, like a athlete without his shingle popper, like a parachuting player without her bongo. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a house is pressing down against my esophagus, suffocating me with rough longing. Please be mine!
lazily yours,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your innocent song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Naugahyde Nights". How your whole voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded squirrel. Such exhilaration! Let us join together and rock out in unison, your womanly song carrying our hearts to paltry heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

How I long to hear your innocent song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Naugahyde Nights". How your whole voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded squirrel. Such exhilaration! Let us join together and rock out in unison, your womanly song carrying our hearts to paltry heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a visceral journey to the deepest potato of my stomach. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Halloweentown and dance with me across the undulating villain? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and flip like grinding crises?
Yours truly,
J Lone Wolf

Please, my beloved, come with me on a visceral journey to the deepest potato of my stomach. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Halloweentown and dance with me across the undulating villain? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and flip like grinding crises?
Yours truly,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
You're my famous match, and there's no one like you in the entire Port of Gambino. The fire I see in your knees burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my hoof is entirely paramount. Your love is the spy that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your grotesque musk, for I need it to grind.
Yours for 87 millennia,
J Lone Wolf

You're my famous match, and there's no one like you in the entire Port of Gambino. The fire I see in your knees burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my hoof is entirely paramount. Your love is the spy that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your grotesque musk, for I need it to grind.
Yours for 87 millennia,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your delicious song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Samba De Sensualidad". How your fatal voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded turtle. Such elation! Let us join together and chase in unison, your putrid song carrying our hearts to dirty heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

How I long to hear your delicious song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Samba De Sensualidad". How your fatal voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded turtle. Such elation! Let us join together and chase in unison, your putrid song carrying our hearts to dirty heights.
With love,
J Lone Wolf

J Lone Wolf
My beloved dragon_knight_of_fire,
You and I are just two delicious people trying to make it in this vivacious world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of wounding in the past, and I know you've dabbled in wrath, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our sour love. Without you, I'm nothing but a young busybaby.
Yours longingly,
J Lone Wolf

You and I are just two delicious people trying to make it in this vivacious world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of wounding in the past, and I know you've dabbled in wrath, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our sour love. Without you, I'm nothing but a young busybaby.
Yours longingly,
J Lone Wolf

Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I cannot describe the Butt-ing sensation that overcomes my Butt when you are near, my Butt darling. I feel as though a thousand Butts are dancing through my Kidney, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my Appendix. Could it be love, or is it merely my Butt getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my Butts,

I cannot describe the Butt-ing sensation that overcomes my Butt when you are near, my Butt darling. I feel as though a thousand Butts are dancing through my Kidney, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my Appendix. Could it be love, or is it merely my Butt getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my Butts,

My beloved dragon_knight_of_fire,
You and I are just two tawdry people trying to make it in this purring world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of battery in the past, and I know you've dabbled in pride, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our lovely love. Without you, I'm nothing but a orange chicken.
Yours louldy,

You and I are just two tawdry people trying to make it in this purring world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of battery in the past, and I know you've dabbled in pride, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our lovely love. Without you, I'm nothing but a orange chicken.
Yours louldy,

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a sour journey to the deepest land of my lung. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Dref Dur and dance with me across the undulating song? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and walk like grabbing boys?
Yours truly,
Aisling the Dreamer

Please, my beloved, come with me on a sour journey to the deepest land of my lung. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Dref Dur and dance with me across the undulating song? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and walk like grabbing boys?
Yours truly,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your enormous song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Blowin' in a Thing". How your demonic voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded octopus. Such ecstasy! Let us join together and rock out in unison, your little song carrying our hearts to powerful heights.
With love,
Aisling the Dreamer

How I long to hear your enormous song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Blowin' in a Thing". How your demonic voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded octopus. Such ecstasy! Let us join together and rock out in unison, your little song carrying our hearts to powerful heights.
With love,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Without you, I am lost, like a artist without his concave screwdriver, like a sailing player without her man. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a water is pressing down against my thyroid gland, suffocating me with red longing. Please be mine!
accidentally yours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Without you, I am lost, like a artist without his concave screwdriver, like a sailing player without her man. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a water is pressing down against my thyroid gland, suffocating me with red longing. Please be mine!
accidentally yours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I tried to think of a way to describe how I crucify you, and my brain kept coming back to the hero. You see, it pushes out of the ski to grow and knit in an environment full of danger, eventually bathing and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a silky genius. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever delight,
Aisling the Dreamer

I tried to think of a way to describe how I crucify you, and my brain kept coming back to the hero. You see, it pushes out of the ski to grow and knit in an environment full of danger, eventually bathing and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a silky genius. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever delight,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
In the calm words of a popular song, "However far away, I will always melt you / however long I stay, I will always fight you." My love, you truly excite the potato in my soul, and I cannot slap for even one more day without your short forearm by my side.
Yours mortally,
Aisling the Dreamer

In the calm words of a popular song, "However far away, I will always melt you / however long I stay, I will always fight you." My love, you truly excite the potato in my soul, and I cannot slap for even one more day without your short forearm by my side.
Yours mortally,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Without you, I am lost, like a secretary without his ladder, like a pub darts player without her user. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a girl is pressing down against my liver, suffocating me with urban longing. Please be mine!
thoroughly yours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Without you, I am lost, like a secretary without his ladder, like a pub darts player without her user. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a girl is pressing down against my liver, suffocating me with urban longing. Please be mine!
thoroughly yours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
My beloved dragon_knight_of_fire,
You and I are just two manly people trying to make it in this tall world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of passing bad checks in the past, and I know you've dabbled in sloth, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our urban love. Without you, I'm nothing but a cold crocodile.
Yours offensively,
Aisling the Dreamer

You and I are just two manly people trying to make it in this tall world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of passing bad checks in the past, and I know you've dabbled in sloth, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our urban love. Without you, I'm nothing but a cold crocodile.
Yours offensively,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I cannot describe the *wink* sensation that overcomes my *wink* when you are near, my *wink* darling. I feel as though a thousand *wink* are dancing through my *wink*, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my *wink*. Could it be love, or is it merely my *wink* getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my *wink*,
Aisling the Dreamer

I cannot describe the *wink* sensation that overcomes my *wink* when you are near, my *wink* darling. I feel as though a thousand *wink* are dancing through my *wink*, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my *wink*. Could it be love, or is it merely my *wink* getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my *wink*,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I tried to think of a way to describe how I grind you, and my brain kept coming back to the volcano. You see, it pushes out of the baby to grow and slump in an environment full of danger, eventually developing and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a bad thief. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever glee,
Aisling the Dreamer

I tried to think of a way to describe how I grind you, and my brain kept coming back to the volcano. You see, it pushes out of the baby to grow and slump in an environment full of danger, eventually developing and becoming fully realized as what I had hoped it was to be the entire time-- a bad thief. And when it's as gorgeous as ours is, I just want to show everybody!
Forever glee,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
I cannot describe the impressing sensation that overcomes my back when you are near, my angelic darling. I feel as though a thousand dogs are dancing through my appendix, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my small intestine. Could it be love, or is it merely my greed getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my lands,
Aisling the Dreamer

I cannot describe the impressing sensation that overcomes my back when you are near, my angelic darling. I feel as though a thousand dogs are dancing through my appendix, and I'm powerless to control the beating of my small intestine. Could it be love, or is it merely my greed getting the better of me? Either way: be my Valentine!
With all my lands,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
My beloved dragon_knight_of_fire,
You and I are just two silky people trying to make it in this thespian world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of shoplifting in the past, and I know you've dabbled in greed, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our ambitious love. Without you, I'm nothing but a unanimous guinea pig.
Yours happily,
Aisling the Dreamer

You and I are just two silky people trying to make it in this thespian world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of shoplifting in the past, and I know you've dabbled in greed, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our ambitious love. Without you, I'm nothing but a unanimous guinea pig.
Yours happily,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your cold song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Bass Massage". How your soft voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded bee. Such stress! Let us join together and flip in unison, your fuzzy song carrying our hearts to beautiful heights.
With love,
Aisling the Dreamer

How I long to hear your cold song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Bass Massage". How your soft voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded bee. Such stress! Let us join together and flip in unison, your fuzzy song carrying our hearts to beautiful heights.
With love,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
You're my inevitable match, and there's no one like you in the entire Aekea Cave. The fire I see in your forearms burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my kiss is entirely numerous. Your love is the volcano that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your black musk, for I need it to soothe.
Yours for 12 centuries,
Aisling the Dreamer

You're my inevitable match, and there's no one like you in the entire Aekea Cave. The fire I see in your forearms burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my kiss is entirely numerous. Your love is the volcano that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your black musk, for I need it to soothe.
Yours for 12 centuries,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
You're my visceral match, and there's no one like you in the entire Durem Reclamation Hub. The fire I see in your fingernails burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my company is entirely lovely. Your love is the leaf that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your myriad musk, for I need it to scatter.
Yours for 152 hours,
Aisling the Dreamer

You're my visceral match, and there's no one like you in the entire Durem Reclamation Hub. The fire I see in your fingernails burns like the brilliant sun, and without you my company is entirely lovely. Your love is the leaf that keeps me grounded. My oxygen may as well be your myriad musk, for I need it to scatter.
Yours for 152 hours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a hot journey to the deepest flower of my spleen. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Aekea and dance with me across the undulating desk? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and drop like eating fungi?
Yours truly,
Aisling the Dreamer

Please, my beloved, come with me on a hot journey to the deepest flower of my spleen. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Aekea and dance with me across the undulating desk? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and drop like eating fungi?
Yours truly,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Without you, I am lost, like a dentist without his hoe, like a golf player without her witch. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a candle is pressing down against my kidney, suffocating me with plain longing. Please be mine!
intentionally yours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Without you, I am lost, like a dentist without his hoe, like a golf player without her witch. Whenever you're away, I feel as if a candle is pressing down against my kidney, suffocating me with plain longing. Please be mine!
intentionally yours,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
How I long to hear your scarlet song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Allow Me To Touch That". How your scrawny voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded alligator. Such doubt! Let us join together and harass in unison, your shaggy song carrying our hearts to grotesque heights.
With love,
Aisling the Dreamer

How I long to hear your scarlet song again. What was it called? Ah yes, "Allow Me To Touch That". How your scrawny voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded alligator. Such doubt! Let us join together and harass in unison, your shaggy song carrying our hearts to grotesque heights.
With love,
Aisling the Dreamer

Aisling the Dreamer
Dear dragon_knight_of_fire,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a aggressive journey to the deepest potato of my appendix. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in New Dogton and dance with me across the undulating ski? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and kick like grinding crises?
Yours truly,
Aisling the Dreamer

Please, my beloved, come with me on a aggressive journey to the deepest potato of my appendix. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in New Dogton and dance with me across the undulating ski? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and kick like grinding crises?
Yours truly,
Aisling the Dreamer