so like i was stating yesterday....i think society has influences on how people look and dress and that physical appearence has a lot of influence on us and the people we meet or associate with. i asked my friends some questions one of the questions was
Do u think society has an influence on how u look or dress?
these were their answers
"society influences how u feel about ur own looks, so yes in a sense it does influence people, well certain people"
"society influences me by whats on sale at the mall xd "
"society doesn't influence my looks"
"maybe, it influences me"
I learned that my friends choose what they wear based on how they feel, their mood shows through their looks. so this is another factor if society i.e. the media makes u feel happy and u use ur moods to pick what u wear or how u look wouldn't society be influencing u?
everyone is influenced by something or someone to look a certain way, i'm not saying there aren't people out there that truely have a unique stlye but my point is how u look all comes back to the society in which u live in.
so my final question is
What do u really see when u stare at ur reflection? do u see ur true self or an imaginary mask which society has put on u. My personal answer is that i see society, i pick the clothes to buy by whats in stlye at the time or the trend. Which brings me to another statement, if society didn't decide what is a good or bad sense of stlye people wouldn't have to try to be something their not.....but before i rattle into other discussions i'd just like to say that true beauty comes from within, u can wear diamonds but be the ugliest person on the inside, don't let society pull u into the quicksands of influence, have a mind to be different and always QUESTION everything!
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