Sophie could answer almost any question there could be in a classroom. She was usually the one with her arm hyper extended in the air and eyes flashing with the determined nature of someone who had always won in such aspects of life. She was also a very talented swimmer and while not always the best she was certainly one of the better of her team and the only one who could pull off free position diving. What Sophie could not begin to comprehend though was why everyone seemed to give her a wide berth. It had always been this way so by the time she reached seventh grade, she had stopped her feeble attempts to acquire just one friend. Her parents were completely clueless to her loneliness though as they were always away on business trips or throwing parties to impress their superiors. The one time Sophie's mother had asked why no one was at their house for her daughter's birthday, Sophie had been able to lie through her teeth with enough ease to fool a lie detector's test.
It didn't bother her so much anymore that she was all alone. Sophie found comfort reading about such companionship and watching the most sappiest television she could find if she was finding that her old cravings for companionship were rising up again. She could only hope that when she reached the school of her dreams it would be far away from all her classmates and that there someone would see her for more than her smarts and maybe even find her beautiful behind her glasses and skeptical glance.
The school bell chimed throughout the hallways of Ginseng Academy and most of the students scrambled to get back into their seats before the teacher could yell at them. As perusal, Sophie was already sitting comfortably in her seat and copying the notes on the board. Her concentration was soon interrupted though as the teacher stood up and addressed the class, "Everyone, I would like to welcome you a new student!" A new student was unheard of at Ginseng and everyone began to whisper eagerly despite the teacher's motions to quiet down. "He has just moved here and I hope all of you are kind and welcoming to him." Just then the door opened and almost every pair of eyes moved to the door. Sophie had let out her excitement though realizing that whoever this person was was most likely not going to fancy her in any way, shape or form so to torture herself by looking was just cruel.
((PM me to continue! I have a lot of other RPCs and starters and I would love to hear your ideas.))