My name would be: Zowie Wozniacki
Though people call me: Whatever, just not offensive.
If it wasn't obvious, I'm a : Female
I'm: Twenty-One
Well this is personal! I may have feelings for: Nobody
Many say I'm like this: Caring, protective, compassiate, resourceful, superstitious, creative, artistic, sly, graceful
My past goes like so: I'm an almost fully trained nurse, and although I do enjoy my job and skills, it wasn't what I would have chosen for myself. I would have liked to be an artist, or someone who freely created things. I love painting and drawing, but my mother wanted me to be a nurse so much, I couldn't refuse. Almost every female in my family is medically trained in some way, except my mother. But then, my mother was faced with a horrible ideal-- she was the only one around when my great-grandma had a heart attack, and although my mother never talks about it, I know that if it was my mothers medically-trained sister there instead of her, my great-grandma might have survived. My mother never wants me in a situation like that when I'm powerless to save someone, so I went to nurse school. I do enjoy it though. I went on the cruise just after completeing my medical course.
I love: art of any kind, rich colours, clouds, bandages, sugar, friends and family, boats, flowers, sunshine
I hate: [Dislikes] severe cold, being injured herself, rude people, people who wont allow her to help them because of their pride,
I originate from: I'm Danish, although I moved to England when I was six.
On the island, I use these for weapons: I'm extremely resourceful, and not just in the medical area. I can generally make any relatively simple weapon, such as daggers, spears and sling-shots.
Did I forget something?: Because I'm quite superstitious, I generally see signs in everything. I also have four very small tattoos, that follow my beliefs.
Role: Doctor/ Nurse Female
Username: Possom4444