Not even sure where to start with this one.
I think a simple emote pretty much sums up these past few weeks. And that emote is...
If I facepalm any harder or anymore then I am going to end up breaking my nose, my face, or just slamming my hand through my face and out the back of my head.
The new job is proving to be a total adventure; despite that fact I am still glad that I left my old job and do not regret the decision, though it seems that the new place is trying desperately to make me do just that.
The good news is that there are a few things on the table I had (pleasantly) not expected but I am going to keep any news I may (hopefully) get about anything to myself until I don't feel as if I will curse things by talking about said things.
I am very thankful to be away from my old job and that is what I am trying to focus on in order to keep myself from grabbing my hair while at work and running in circles while screaming out every vile word and phrase I have ever soaked in. It's just not a place to stay at for longer then absolutely necessary; I have already started putting out my feelers and submitting applications to other places and sincerely hope to have some good news related to jobs in the next week or so.
It must be this town I currently live in, I SWEAR. I have worked in three other cities and if you lumped all the bull I had to deal with from those three cities collectively over the years I worked in them then you still would not have a third of the utter s**t I have put up with in the past month from the places I have worked while in this town.
When Voltaire wrote this lovely ditty, I swear he really meant where I currently live (which is very funny because the name of the town I am currently doing my time living in is actually mentioned).
I don't know when I am going to be able to enjoy a steady amount of online time again, guys; which really and deeply saddens me because I am right back to square one in regards to free time/writing time/time to do anything fun or rejuvenating on a daily basis or even on a reliable schedule. I am done with making strong declarative statements like "This week will be the week I get things back on track!" or state with any kind of optimism that I will be able to start working on things again anytime soon because everydamntime I have been so foolish it is like my place of employment has scented out my hope and decides to bitchslap that hope until it forgets what it dared to appear in me for.
So- TLDR, the plan I currently have is to make it through the next few days and see if my current manager listened to me at all yesterday when I went to her and had A Talk about my hours and the promises she made me when I agreed to come work for her. I should know by this upcoming Tuesday if she listened and just how well she listened because I told her on the next schedule I really, really, really needed her to rein back on the hours. I have been very lied to in regards to a few things about this new position, hence why I am looking for something else.
If my hours go down or something really fantastic happens in the next few weeks then I will hopefully (*winces in dread at what she knows she might have just summoned*) be online more and be ready and able to jump start things on here (and all the other aspects of my life that has been put on hold for so long now I am not even sure I know where to start anymore); until then know I am thinking of and missing all of you guys and now more then ever I truly miss those first few years on here. Things were so...simple in some ways and yet so truly complicated; now things have reversed- all the things that were complicated then are simple and all the simple things I had are completely gone.
It's enough to drive one mad but you can't go somewhere you already are.
That's just crazy talk.