Days passed and nothing had been heard from the white kitten, Cheetor was the most worried out of everyone but things had occurred during her absence. The aliens had activated a moon sized lazor. Tarantulas had fashioned a status pod into a small ship, but had gotten vaped by Inferno after his plans for escape where discovered. Luckily his creation, Blackaracknia, who planned to save herself, finished his work. Her victory didn't last long over the stasis pod though, Optimus and his crew took control over the craft and formed a plan to save the earth. Optimus flew the craft in into the lazor, and was caught in the explosion that followed. The crew on the Axalon where devastated by the lose of their leader, but there was no time to grieve, a trans-wrap explosion ravaged the planet, and the transformers. Some had changed in appearance and strength. Megatron soon attacked the Axalon, taking advantage of the damage, chaos and grief of these events. After defending the base, Rattrap and Cheetor stood outside, Rattrap knocking out a few bolts that had been unscrewed by his collision with Cheetor.
"You know ah, a few flying lessons wouldn't hurt." Rattrap told the now shiny cheetah.
"You two alright?" Rhinox asked as he walked up to them, dinobot close behind.
"Ya, ya, nothin' a hot oil bath won't cure, but if you ask me, the Beast Wars just got a whole lot weirda" Rattrap replied.
After a moment of silence, Cheetor spoke up, his ear twitching slightly, looking in the direction of the water fall. "Did anyone else hear that?"
"Hear what? the tons ah' water hitting the rocks?" Rattrap teased.
Cheetor walked closer to the ledge by "No, no, it was faint but it sounded like Snow Stalkers roar!" He exclaimed.
Tigatron stirred near the smaller cat-bot. "I heard.. it too.." He said weakly and transformed to beast mode.
"Then lets get a search party underway, we've got no time to lose." Rhinox ordered. "Rattrap, you and I will get Tigatron and Airrazor to the C.R. chamber, Dinobot, Cheetor, you two go investigate. Report back in one mega-cycle, got it?"
"Man, you guys get all the fun." Rattrap whined as he picked up Tigatron like a large Labrador retriever.
It had been some time, and Cheetor and Dinobot still hadn't found any source of the sound that was heard earlier in the forest.
"This is a waste of my time!" The raptor growled, "Snow Stalker is probably dead and gone! We should be repairing the ship, not chasing the ghosts in a hopeless cat's mind!"
"Don't say that! Snow Stalker is out here some where, we just have to keep looking.." The young cheetah reputed, then something in the dirt caught his attention. "Hey, what's that?" Cheetor walked over to it, and examined the spot. It appeared to be a paw print, feline, a little on the large size, like a tiger's but there was a grey piece of fur in it.
Dinobot walked over to it and examined it as well. "It looks like one of Tigatrons paw prints, he frequents this area when he wishes to stalk prey" He growled, "He says it keeps his senses sharp.."
"Ya but look at this hair." Cheetor pointed with a paw. "It's grey, not white." Cheetor then leaned closer still to the print, and took a few sniffs.
"No one said Tigatron was the youngest of us.." The Raptor pointed out.
After a moment, Cheetor perked up. "I got the sent, come on!" He said jumping into a run. Dinobot sigh and shook his head, and ran after the cat. After a bit, Cheetor stopped, and sniffed the ground some more, there where many paw prints here, and hoof prints, signs of a struggle. Cheetor felt Dinobots claws on his head. "Hey, whats the.."
"Shh.." The Cheetah was cut off. Dinobot pointed, while staying low in the brush of the forest. Cheetor saw a snow leopard eating it's hard earned kill. It's back was to them, so it wasn't certain that it was her, Snow Stalker.
"That's gotta be her!" Cheetor whispered excitedly. "Why did you stop me?"
"Something isn't right," Dinobot growled, "why would she need to eat flesh? She's a robot like us, remember?"
"oh ya.. I wonder what she's doing then? I'm gonna go check it out." Cheetor said, exiting the brush quietly, and moved to see if he could get a better look. Her eyes where emerald green, and around the felines neck was a large round collar, the same green hue as her eyes. This confirmed his suspicions as to who she was, but not of what she was doing. "Hey-ya, Snow Stalker, where ya been?" He finally spoke, not sure how to approach his old friend.
Snow Stalker, stopped mid-chew, and turned her head, growling. It wasn't her, in body it was anyway, but she wasn't herself. The leopard swallowed as she took to her feet, and growled angrily at the metallic cheetah.
"Hey, come on, it's me, Cheetor. Don't you remember?" Cheetor said, a little hurt at her reaction to him. The Leopard roared at him, baring her teeth at him.
"Leave me alone! This is my meal!" She yelled aloud, revealing her ability to speak was still there.
"I'm not hear to eat your food!" Cheetor said shaking a paw at her, Dinobot then walked out of the bush, seeing that this wasn't going to end well.
Snow Stalker lept at Cheetor, knocking him over and tryed to bite his neck. As she went to do this, she was pulled off by Dinobot, already transformed now. After throwing her away, she landed on her feet. Dinobot unsheathed his sword, and entered a battle stance. The leopard growled at him, and too, was ready for battle. The image seemed familiar to Snow Stalker, but she shook it off, but she was now vulnerable to Dinobots next attack.
"Who are you, and where did you come from?" The raptor asked flatly, the leopards reply was only a soft growl. "Answer me!" Dinobot commanded with a snarl.
"I.. don't know.." Snow Stalker answered, her ears flattened and her eyes looked away.
"You really don't remember anything, do you?" Cheetor said softly, taking a step towards her.
"I woke up in the rocky area just out side of this forest.. That was some time ago now." Snow Stalker explained.
"Well we know who, and what you are." Dinobot explained.
"Ya, you're Snow Stalker, you're a Maximal, like us!" Cheetor chimed in. "I found you when you where just a kitten, and we took you in and raised you, not that Dinobot here was too thrilled at first." The cheetah elbowed Dinobot kiddingly as the Transformer growled in disgust. "Come on, we should get you to base and see if Rhinox can fix your brain." Curious and confused, Snow Stalker followed the two after Dinobot returned to beast form.
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The story of my Life!!!!
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