2 weeks and four days from now, I shall sit back with a giant sigh of relief.
and I'm not even Queen.
it's funny to say "There so much going on, even though I don't have a job"... because compared to my usual workload, this is absolutely NOTHING. On top of everything else going on, I also usually have a regular job during the summer.
Of course, things are a little different now. When I was still doing commercial cleaning, this summer's schedule surely would've gotten me fired... again. Simply because everything happens at night.
during the day, I keep myself busy by enjoying the weather (=sitting on the steps or gardening), sleeping, working out, doing this, or cleaning.
After royalty is done, I'll have more time to work on selling books online (mayhaps some other stuffs, too?) and possibly organizing a garage sale in town (so we can get some of the profit from the stuff we're throwing out since money's still really short). I'll also have time to pursue the business adventure.
and simply enjoy summer. Never have I ever had the chance like this to just sit back and enjoy being free from school and someone else's clock. Ever since I got my license, I've always had a job and intense pressure to keep up with everything.
despite that, though, there's always something else to do.
I also have to start thinking more in-depth about moving out. this is my last summer at home, EVAR. I don't know what the future holds for next summer, but it sure as anything isn't going to be here. I figure since there won't be room for my extra crap anyplace else, it'll have to stay at home while I finish school, then when I get a job and my own apartment I can start moving everything...
blah. I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I still get excited thinking about the semester exploring the music industry. But I discovered that I didn't really like my jobs at the newspaper last summer or the radio this past school year. they're fun, mind you, but I'm not too keen on spending even 5 solid years working in those kind of industries.
"Carpe diem", "YOLO", "This is your life, are you who you want to be?"
the answer: probably a solid No.
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