♞ Meet Shen Gu, or he'd rather be called Shen for short, or Doc, what most people in the village calls him, in his formal outfit /i'll draw him in his usual later Q u Q;; ♞ He is practicing both modern and traditional medical, and treating Srna ♞ Hardly open up bout himself or his past and usually answer those question with a laughter or shuts himself up ♞ He has a red panda, Ree, with him most of the time * A* ♞ Ree helps a lot when Shen is picking stuffs for medical uses ♞ Rides on carriage pulled by a pinto horse called Top ♞ He's in living in a medieval time setting ♞ Likes medicine, working, fishing. ♞ Dislikes needles or any other sharp piercing things lolol
will add more later, no idea and it's almost 2 am Q uQ
amyazmy · Mon Apr 09, 2012 @ 06:55pm · 0 Comments |