I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Theo: Which is why I hav'n't any!
I say:
((Did anyone say anything after Simon's comment about there being no fog?
Simon: Oh.
Amu: =_=
Amu: *sees how he's related to Hatta, but isn't gonna say so, it'd be insulting to Hatta*
Amu: Seriously, please leave.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Theo: *looks around*
Theo: Who is Seriously?
Hatta: *grumble*
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Theo: Why didn't you just say so?
Theo: *poofs!*
I say:
Amu: I DID!
Amu: ...JESUS.
Simon: He's weird.
Amu: OH yeah.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Hatta and his father are fast runners. Theo ran fast enough to escape the Queen of hearts' soldiers, and Hatta is the messenger of the White king!)
Hatta: That was your grandfather.
I say:
Simon: Really?
Amu: Hopefully you won't see him again...he's hard to tolerate.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: *nods*
I say:
Amu: *puts down Simon, and hugs Sabrina*
Amu: ...Thank you for keeping him from hitting me, Hatta.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: Of course.
Sabrina: Mumma!
I say:
Amu: *smiles at Sabrina*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Sabrina: O wO ?
I say:
Amu: you're a sweetie.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Sabrina: Mummee!
I say:
Amu: ^w^
Simon: It's easy to make mummy happy.
Simon: Easy to make her mad too...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: Don't I know it...
I say:
Amu: *smirk*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(*playing Miles Edgey*)
(Shih-Na and Lang remind me kinda of Fen and Dekka.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Even though Shih-Na was revealed to be a spy, a thief and a murderer....)
(Lang jumped in front of the bullet to save her life.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(It's how he is.)
(She doesn't even care about him, and he went and did that!)
(He seems to take his pack/family into high regard.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(After the role call, he gave one of his subordinates a gift.)
("Happy birthday-" he said.)
(And then there was a huge speech of praise for how cool and caring he was.)
(And the guy was like "Um.... sir...."
("...It's not my birthday."
I say:
((...Oh dear.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(crowd: .........)
(Lang: I know that!"
(Guy: Eh?)
(Lang: this is for your sister's husband's brother's birthday.)
(Guy: *thinks*)
(Guy: ...Oh god, you're right! it is his birthday, I forgot!"
I say:
((Oh wow.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(then followed by more praise and adoration.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Nemu probably makes costumes for the cubs.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Maybe Simon, too.)
I say:
((Simon must be hard, what with the tail.
((Amu can turn human now. I dunno if Simon would be able to.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Well, Simon needs specially tailored clothes to begin with.)
I say:
((Amu honestly just cuts holes in the back and sews them if they rib too big.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Or, pants and boxers at least.)
I say:
((All her clothes look like they have holes, but she did it on purpose.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Nemu cuts it, sews around the seam, and probably has a button near the top so you don't have to play needle and thread with your tail.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(think like the fly on your jeans, just facing the other way, with a smaller, rounder hole and no zipper.)
I say:
(That makes sense.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
I can imagine her making a costume for Simon.
And then Amu just looks it over and stares at the pants.
in an "OH DEAR GOD THIS IS GENIUS" kind of way.
I say:
((She'd bug Nemu into either showing her how, or fixing her clothes.
((It's harder for dresses and kimonos, though.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *made a costume for Simon! yay!
Nemu: Here, Simon. *hands it to him- it's a Chichiri costume*
I say:
Simon: Yay, costume!
Amu: Thanks, Nemu.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: you're welcome!
Nemu: *shows him the hole at the back for his tail* See, you take out the button and then-
I say:
((From Fushigi Yuugi? I read the first two books of that.))
Amu: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
I say:
Simon: Ooo.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *shows him how to put it on*
I say:
Simon: Mummy just cuts holes for our tails.
Amu: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Isn't it hard to thread it through? *blinks*
(also, doesn't it mess up their fur?)
I say:
Amu: ...Yes. >_>
((A little, yes.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...Which is why I used a button instead.
Nemu: I got the idea from a book I read.
I say:
Amu: ...Can you show me how to do that?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Of course!
I say:
Amu: Thank you.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(How old is Manami?)
I say:
((I dunno. A few years older than Simon.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(How old is Simon?)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Manami is seven or eight.)
I say:
Simon: *likes his costume*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: *clinging to daddy*
I say:
Loki: Are you going as anything, Amused?
Amu: Not really, no.
Simon: Chi-chi-ri, chi-chi-ri~
((He likes the name))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *singing a song in Japanese*
I say:
((It's a cute name))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: *climbs up to her daddy's shoulders*
I say:
Simon: ?
Loki: Hey!
Loki: Warn me first.
Loki: *smirking*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: *giggles*
I say:
Loki: Silly kid.
Amu: Thanks again, Nemu.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: *in a lolita dolly costume*
I say:
Amu: You look nice, manami.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: Really? OwO
I say:
Amu: Yes.
Simon: *nods in agreement*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: Yaaay!
(Aw, does Simon like Manami?)
I say:
Loki: *chuckles*
((She's nice to him, so yes.
((It's not a crush...he's like Hatta, he's a bit oblivious.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: OwO *riding piggyback*
I say:
Simon: Do I look good? *dressed up now*
Amu: you look great, Simon.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manmi: Uh-huh!
I say:
Simon: ^w^
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: *covers Loki's eyes*
I say:
Loki: Hey!
Loki: Manami!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manmai: Hee!
Nemu" I wonder where Dagny and Fenrir are...
I say:
Loki: Don't do that, I like seeing.
Loki: She went to hang out with Nova. Something about not leaving him alone on a holiday.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: huh.
Nemu: And Fen? (And cubs, if applicable)
I say:
Loki: I dunno. With Dekka, most likely.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
With brownies?
I say:
No, they're still baking.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks around for Jormungand* Where is he....
I say:
Jormungand: *wanders in* Here!
Jormungand: *still being Canada, as usual*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(If Manami is seven, how old is he?)
I say:
((About 17. Not a baby again yet, but soon.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *Dressed up as Mia from Phoenix Wright, which means...*
I say:
Loki: *Phoenix*
((Hm...I'm trying to find a good set of rabbit ears for my mule...))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(..wait, rabbit ears? I might...)
I say:
((Gaia needs better bunny ears.
((Is cool, I'll get them myself.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(I got you Diedrich. xP)
I say:
((I know. Thanks,.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(So I wouldn't mind.)
(Didn't you not want to buy anything?)
I say:
((Well, this is my mule.))
(Ill earn the money I spend on her account.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *pats Jormungand on the top of the head…she might have to stretch a bit to do it now*
I say:
((She will always be dressed in red, lack, and/or white. No other colors.)
Jormungand: *smiles at his mommy*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: You're so tall now!
I say:
Jormungand: I am?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(How tall is he?)
I say:
((He's tall. Not Loki's height yet, but he's getting there.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(So taller than her. Or almost.)
Nemu: *puts up her hand to see how tall he is*
Nemu: I think you're taller than I am now.
I say:
Jormungand: I am!?
Simon: *giggles* Jormungand is silly.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: By this much! *indicates how much taller he is with her hands*
I say:
Jormungand: ...Wow.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: My baby isn't much of a baby anymore.
I say:
Jormungand: ...Sorry.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *smiles a bit, and pats him on the shoulder*
I say:
Jormungand: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...What's wrong?
I say:
Jormungand: Nothing.
Simon: Can we get candy now?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Wait, is a party, Fen is 18, is alcoho- oh dear.)
(Or at LEAST 18.)
I say:
((Although technically, where is the area? If it's sorta in America, the drinking age is 21.
((Then again, it's not like Fenrir will care.
((So yeah, things might happen.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *nods* Let's go!
I say:
((And so, Halloween stuff.))
((Does Hatta participate in Halloween, or will Amu have to bring her kids on her own?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(He does.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(...He'll dress up as Tim Burton's Hatter just to scare the living daylights out of Amu.)
I say:
((Amu would not be amused.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(He'll get Anubis or someone to do his makeup or something.)
I say:
((Simon, meanwhile, would be cracking up with laughter.))
((Simon finds most things funny. It's hard not to make him laugh.))
((And of course, after that, there's the whole "Wait, William?" Thing from everyone else.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks at Amu* where's your husband?
I say:
Amu: I dunno. He said something about a difficult costume.
Amu: *shrug*
Amu: *wearing really fancy Japanese stuff, but not a real costume*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: *comes up from behind and covers her eyes with his hands* Boo!
Nemu: *sees him, and almost chokes on her drink*
I say:
Amu: !!!
Amu: *turns around*
Amu: O_O
Amu: *shriek*
Simon: *bursts out laughing*
Amu: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *laughing*
I say:
Amu: D<
Simon: *finds this HILARIOUS*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: hahaha- wait, WILLIAM?
I say:
Amu: >_>
Simon: You're funny, daddy!
Amu: *looks embarrassed *
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *wondering where Loki is*
I say:
Loki: *dealing with Manami, who's probably all hyper*
Amu: Was that really necessary, Hatta?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: His name is WILLIAM?
Hatta: *blink blink- he has the crazy makeup and everything.*
I say:
Amu: You scared me!
Simon: It was FUNNY! ^w^
Amu: >_>
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: Isn't that the point?
Nemu: ....Hatta, I can't take you seriously in that get-up.
I say:
Amu: =_=
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: scaring you, I mean. I'm new to this.
I say:
Amu: Well, yes, but...gah.
Simon: Mummy's just silly.
Amu: THAT was just a little too much, Hatta.
Amu: GOD the Hatter from that movie weirds me out...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *can't can't wait for Loki to see this*
Hatta: Exactly.
I say:
Loki: *spotted it from afar, you can see him pointing and laughing*
Amu: >_>
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Manami: *laughing along with him*
I say:
Amu; *sigh*
Simon: Do you like my costume, daddy!?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: You're very cute.
I say:
Simon: ^w^
Amu: *still looks a tad annoyed**
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: ...sorry.
Nemu: *looking around- where's Fenrir?*
I say:
Amu: It's okay.
Fenrir: *with Dekka, by the refreshments and drinks*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *dressed up like Shih-Na, Nemu made her a costume*
I say:
Fenrir: *Lang, obviously, so he matches*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *goes to look for Loki*
Nemu: Hey, honey.
I say:
Loki: Hatta looks HILARIOUS.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: I almost choked on my drink when I saw him.
I say:
Loki: I can see why.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks over at Fen and Dekka*
Dekka: *laughing, presumably at something funny that Fen said*
I say:
Fenrir: *grins-he seems so happy*
Loki: They're getting along well, as always.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *nods*
Nemu: how long have they been going out again?
I say:
Loki: A year or two.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Shi-Long Lang has 'X' shaped sunglasses that kinda look like two eye patches, and Shih-Na has normal ones. they like to take them off dramatically at the same time.)
Nemu: It's so hard to remember because they're always been so close. *laughs a little*
I say:
Loki: *smirk* Yeah.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...By the way.
I say:
Loki: Hm?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ....were you the one who told him he could drink?
Nemu: Because it wasn't me.
I say:
Loki: Well, they're eighteen.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...Hrm…
Nemu: *looks a tad irritated*
I say:
Loki: I'm sure they'll be fine.
Loki: And we're at this party too. It's nice and crowded too. I'm sure nothing bad will happen, they have plenty of supervision.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Well, I have nothing against it, I mean, I started drinking before they did, that's for sure, but... I have this nagging feeling....
I say:
Loki: Hm?
Loki: Nemu, relax. They’re both smart enough, they're supervised, they aren't driving or anything...they'll be okay.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Like a little nagging in the back of my head. I guess it could be mother's intuition or something, but... Something's bothering me.
I say:
Loki: Hrm.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: I know, I know, I'm probably just doting...
I say:
Loki: Well, we'll just have to keep an eye on them then.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: .....Where's Manami?
Manami: *ran off once mommy came and daddy was distracted*
I say:
Loki: ...Dammit!
Loki: Crap...sneaky little thing..
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...I'll help you look for her.
I say:
Loki: Thanks.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: She gets it from you, you know. *teasing*
I say:
Loki: I'm well aware.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *hanging out with Fen- she's on her…say, third drink?*
Dekka: *wearing her Shih-Na sunglasses*
I say:
Fenrir: *on like his fifth, and he looks alright...a little tipsy, but alright so far.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *giggles* Okay, okay, let's try again.
(The sunglasses thing. man, she's drunk.)
I say:
Fenrir: Alright!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Shih-Na kinda walks right beside him, they both, at the same time, grab their sunglasses, and take them off with a dramatic flourish, whipping their heads to the side*
I say:
Fenrir: One...
Fenrir: Two...
Fenrir: Three!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
I say:
Fenrir: *does it too*
Fenrir: We did it!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *manages to keep a straight face- she's played the PW games, so she tries to stay in character but she burst out into laughter and giggles once they pull it off*
I say:
Fenrir: *huggles*
Fenrir: We're awesome!
Fenrir: *then downs another drink*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sipping hers, giggling*
I say:
Fenrir: ^w^
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *twirls in her dress, she feels pretty, but it's kinda showy, as you could see from the picture. She likes it because of the heart motif, and Nemu made Tom make her a wig that would cover up all her hair without looking funny*
I say:
Fenrir: *just being himself*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Heehee~
I say:
Fenrir: *huggle*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Don't I look pretty?
Dekka: *tipsy!*
I say:
Fenrir: Very!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *giggles*
Dekka: *kisses him on the cheek*
I say:
Fenrir: ^w^
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *laughs*
Dekka: *snuggle* Mm~
Dekka: your mom was nice to make me a costume, wazzn' she?
I say:
Fenrir: I love my Dekka...
fenrir: Very nice.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *starts another drink*
Dekka: It's very pretty. ^w^
Dekka: *hic*
I say:
Fenrir: It's too crowded...
Fenrir: You wanna hang out at my house for a bit?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Sssssure.
Dekka: *tipsy walk!*
I say:
Fenrir: *helps her walk*
((And stuff will occur.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(I don't suppose her costume of choice helped. SHE chose it, Nemu thought it would be cute.)
I say:
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sitting on the couch*
Dekka: Why'd we *hic* leave again?
I say:
Fenrir: Cuz you're a little silly now, so I figured you should calm down.
Fenrir: It's very crowded there.
Fenrir: Want some wine? Dad has some...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: sure.
I say:
Fenrir:*gets some*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *kinda tired, so she lies down on the couch*
Dekka: Thankies~ *sits up again*
I say:
Fenrir: *smiles*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sips her drink*
Dekka: *humming*
Dekka: *she's getting kinda warm, so she starts taking off her long gloves*
I say:
Fenrir: *took off his coat already*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *leans on him* Hmm~
I say:
Fenrir: *huggle*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *taking off her other glove* It was so hot over there...
I say:
Fenrir: A little, yeah...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Hmm~
I say:
Fenrir: *smiles* Still, it’s fun. Maybe we can go back later.
Fenrir; For now, I like having you all to myself.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *starts taking off her shoes too, her feet are tired*
Dekka: D'aww.
Dekka: Maybe.
I say:
Fenrir: *stretches* Well, it's nice and quiet here too.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *nods*
Dekka: kinda rare, since your family's so rowdy a lot of the time.
I say:
Fenrir: Don't I know it...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: It's nice to have some alone time...
Dekka: *snuggles*
I say:
Fenrir: *huggles*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *still wearing that dress*
I say:
Fenrir: You look so good...
Fenrir: *kisses her cheek*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sits up for a bit to take her wig and sunglasses off*
Dekka: *smiles*
Dekka: Your mom's good at making costumes.
I say:
Fenrir: *took off his sunglasses a while ago*
Fenrir: she's good at a lot.
((You'll note that, while he doesn’t often call her mom himself, he never objects when other people call her his mom.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *nodnod*
Dekka: *starts combing her hair with her fingers- she's starting to get REALLY drunk, she's on her third glass of wine!*
I say:
Fenrir: *has had a few himself...he's not slurring, but he looks kinda out of it and his face in kinda red*
((He's from Scandinavia. He can hold his liquor. Loki is a rare breed in not being able to))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: The wine's good~
I say:
Fenrri: I know, it's sweet.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *starting to get Freya-like…oh dear.*
Dekka: *nods*
Dekka: *hugs him really close and kisses him on the cheek*
Dekka: Tee-hee~
I say:
Fenrir: *smiling*
Fenrir: *kisses her cheek again*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *clinging, and kisses him on the lips this time*
Dekka: *rests her head on his shoulder* It's nice to be alone~
I say:
Fenrir: I like having Dekka all to myself.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: hm...?
Dekka: *starting to look a little flirty*
I say:
Fenir: Because Dekka is my favorite.
Fenrir: *kisses her on the lips this time*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Oh...?~
I say:
Fenrir: Yes.
Fenrir: I like being with Dekka best.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: I like you the best too.
I say:
Fenrir: *happy*
((And stuff will probably happen pretty soon...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Dekka's gonna want it, but she'll TRY to be the responsible one and say 'maybe it's not such a good idea...
I say:
((Even though she's blasted?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Try, not.... well, she'll probably give in pretty quickly.)
I say:
((Ah. So, yay, the cubs are on the way.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *back at the party*
I say:
Loki: *looking for Fenrir and Dekka*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks at Loki* ...I haven't seen Fen or Dekka anywhere.
I say:
Loki: I know, I can’t find them…I'm getting worried.
Loki: *looks nervous* Maybe I made a mistake...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...The nagging feeling's getting louder.
I say:
Loki: Hrm...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ....I've asked around, no one's seen them for a while.
Azazel:: Hey, guys!
Nemu: ...Zazzle, have you seen Dekka and Fen?
Azazel: Hm?
Azazel: I thought they left.
Azazel: I saw them leaving while we were playing A Gory Demise.
Nemu: That was over an hour ago!
Nemu: *looks at Loki, she's worried*
I say:
Loki: Aw dammit.
Loki: *sigh* I'll check the house.
Loki: *heads out*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Come on, we should go look for them.
Nemu: *goes with*
I say:
Loki: *gets there after a while*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Hrm..
Nemu: *looks at the couch*
I say:
Loki: *gets in and sees wine glasses*
((They went to his room, thank god.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: they were here.
I say:
Loki: =_=
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *points at the gloves, wig, and coat*
I say:
Loki: Okay, I admit it. I made a mistake saying they could have drinks.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Hrm..
I say:
Loki: *heads upstairs and knocks of Fenrir's door*
Loki:" FEN!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *cleans up the wine and glasses* honestly..
I say:
Fenrir: *sounds like he just woke up*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *with him*
I say:
Fenrir: whut...?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *being silent* <<;
I say:
Loki: Where's Dekka?
Fenrir: Brought her home.
Loki: And her stuff?
Fenrir: Fergot it. Din' wanna lug it there too.
Loki: Hm.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Kay, we're going back to the party, just call if you need anything.
Nemu: *grabs Loki's arm and walks away, making sure that they can hear their steps*
Nemu: *stops at the bottom of the stairs*
Nemu: ...I smell a lie.
Nemu: *crosses her arms, she's a tad skeptical*
I say:
Loki: Hmph.
Loki: I do too.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *waits a minute*
Nemu: ....That should be long enough, I'll be back in a second. *ninjas her way silently up the stairs*
Nemu: *relatively quickly ninjas her way back down- she's gone red*
Nemu: ...w...*clears her throat* ...w....well.
I say:
Loki: ...
Loki: what?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks kinda shocked* Er...
Nemu: Dekka's..... Dekka's definitely... DEFINATELY still here.
Nemu: *all red*
I say:
Loki: ...
Loki: Oh dear, they were being a little TOO close, weren't they?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *puts her head in her hands* Ugh, I did NOT need to hear that...
Nemu: I didn't even need to open the door. =_=
I say:
Loki: Sorry. I REALLY should've kept a better eye on them, or just told them not to drink.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Not your fault. =_=
Nemu: ...What should we do?
I say:
Loki: What CAN we do right now?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ..... I don't know...
I say:
Loki: *sigh* They're too far gone now. There's nothing we can do but lecture them tomorrow, and hope to Hel Valmar never finds out.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...well, I hope they're over and done with when we have to bring the kids home...
I say:
Loki: As do I.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: It's not like we can knock on their door again or anything..
Nemu: *rubbing her temples*
Nemu: ....that nagging feeling still isn't going away...
I say:
Loki: Well, we can deal with that tomorrow.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...
(She's on the verge of predicting the cubs, that's what's bothering her.)
I say:
((Thought so))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: I guess... I could open the door or something early in the morning to 'find' them there.
Nemu: Or are we gonna let them know we found out tonight?
Nemu: .....It's just bothering me...
I say:
Loki: ...Let's go for the second one, it'll embarrass them more.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *nods*
(And so, the next morning...)
Nemu: *deliberately wakes up before they do, feigning the 'it's time for breakfast!' thing, (although there really is food.)
Nemu: *opens the door* Fen-
I say:
Fenrir: *asleep*
Fenrir: mrrph...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *clinging, also asleep*
Nemu: ...
Nemu: *also, she borrowed Sho's megaphone.*
Nemu: *turns on the megaphone*
I say:
Fenrir: O_O
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: O_O
I say:
Fenrir: *jumps and falls off the bed*
Fenrir: *THUD*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *shrieks, and clings*
I say:
Fenrir: OW!
Fenrir: JESUS, NEMU!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *snatches up the sheets (Fenrir pulled off the comforter) to cover herself*
Dekka: ><
I say:
Fenrir: *sits up, dazed*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: "Brought her home", huh?
I say:
Fenrir: *goes red* ...Um.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: >< Oh... my head...
I say:
Fenrir: ...Yes. OUR home.
Fenrir: Didn't I specify?
Fenrir: ...Go away so we can get dressed.
Loki: *waiting downstairs. He had two pans ready to make their hangovers HEL if he thinks they haven't learned their lesson*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Alright, breakfast is downstairs. You'd better be down in ten minutes.
Nemu: *heads down*
Nemu: *puts the megaphone on the table*
Nemu: I owe Sho one, maybe I should buy one of these.
I say:
Loki: As long as you don't use it on me, be my guest.
*ten minutes later*
Fenrir: *comes down, looking at little disoriented*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(What's Dekka wearing? Borrowing some clothes from Fen?)
I say:
((He lent Dekka some of his clothes, if she didn't wanna wear when she was wearing the night before.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *wearing Fen's clothes, jeans and a T-shirt, her hair's all braided*
I say:
Fenrir: ...Hey.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *groggy*
I say:
Loki: Do you two know you made a mistake?
Frenrir: What mistake? *innocently*
Loki: wrong answer! *BANG! pots banged together*
Fenrir: O_o
Fenrir: JESUS!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ><
Nemu: *also has an air horn*
I say:
Loki: To the table, you two, you have some explaining to do, and we have some lecturing to give.
Fenrir: *groan*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sits down there*
Nemu: How much did you drink?
Dekka: .... *thinks*
Dekka: *looks at Fen- she can't remember!*
(Also, Nemu got Jormungand to take all of the other kids out to a restaurant or something for breakfast so they wouldn't need to hear this.)
Dekka: How much did we-
I say:
Fenrir: ...Too much...?
Loki: Good boy.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Wrong answer! *AIR HORN!*
Dekka: O_o
(Dekka, wrong answer.)
I say:
Fenrir: GAH!
Fenrir: Hey!
Fenrir: I wasn't keeping track!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: think faster, then. >>;
I say:
Loki: And that's the first mistake you made.
Loki: Stupid son of mine.
Loki: And dragging Dekka into your deviant behavior, too. *tsk tsk*
Fenrir: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: <<;;;;
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: so, what did you learn?
I say:
Fenirr: ...Don’t drink like Thor does.
Loki: That's one way to put it.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Good boy, you get half an advil. *gives it to him*
I say:
Loki: Or, just limit yourself. Or stay where people can keep an eye on you.
Loki: You did none of the above.
Fenrir: *gives the advil to Dekka*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Hence, half an advil.
Dekka: *takes it* ...thanks, Fen...
Nemu: …
Nemu: ...Good boy. *gives him another half of an advil*
I say:
Fenrir: ...Thanks.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(That's right, not a whole advil, only half.)
I say:
Loki: And now, about certain other behavior, working up from the least offense to the worst.
Loki: You left without telling us.
Loki: You made a mess.
Loki: You lied.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *hands him the megaphone*
I say:
Loki: and then...well, I think you remember the BIGGEST thing you did last night.
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: *trying to look innocent* What was that...?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *holding the air horn*
Nemu: *AIR HORN!*
I say:
Fenrir: >_<
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: @_*
I say:
((Their discipline is the best discipline))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
((Like, ever.)
Nemu: ...
I say:
Loki: And I highly doubt you idiots used protection.
Fenrir: ...Protection?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Huh?>
Nemu: ... =_=
I say:
Loki: Pills to prevent pregnancy and stuff, dummies.
Loki: *facepalm*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Or... you know... a...
I say:
Loki: I'll explain that to Fen later.
Fenrir: ?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Thank you. =_=
I say:
Loki: I oughta get you neutered, doggie.
Fenrir: ...Please don't.
Loki: *sigh*
Loki: What were you two thinking? If you were thinking anything at all?
Fenrir: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ...
Dekka: *has an answer, but she thinks it's dumb one*
I say:
Loki: Welllllllllll...?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *looks at Fen pleadingly*
I say:
Loki: ...Give me an answer or the airhorn comes again.
Fenrir: Please no.,..
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ...I was thinking that I loved him... >>;;;
Nemu: ...
I say:
Loki: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks at Loki*
I say:
Fenrir: ...*huggles Dekka*
Loki: ...
Loki: I suppose that's the best reason I can think of.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...I suppose.
I say:
Loki: and knowing Fenrir, he was thinking that too. He's loved you since forever.
Fenrir: *huggle huggle*
Loki: ...*sigh*
Loki: I don't suppose you've learned your lesson, though...?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *rapid nod*
Nemu: *looks at Fen*
I say:
Fenrir: YES'M.
Loki: Good.
Loki: Now Fenrir, you go to your room. Dekka, you get your things and scurry on home.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *goes upstairs*
Nemu: ...*shakes her head and suddenly stops shaking it, spacing out for a second and then her eyes widen*
Nemu: *standing there, looking shocked*
I say:
Loki: ?
Fenrir: *went with Dekka*
Loki: What is it?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *looks at Loki, still shocked*
I say:
Loki: ?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...I know what the nagging feeling was now.
Nemu: .....
Nemu: *whispering* …It was a developing vision.
I say:
Loki: ...Oh?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...Loki...
Nemu: *looks up at him*
Nemu: ...I... I think...
Nemu: *saying it with very hushed tones* ...I think Dekka... she's...
Nemu: ....
I say:
Loki: She's what?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: She's...
Nemu: *whispering*...she's pregnant.
I say:
Loki: O_O
Loki: ...Oh dear.
Loki: Oh...oh dear.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: Right now, she's...
Nemu: ....
Nemu: ...What do we do?!
Nemu: ...
I say:
Loki: I...
Loki: Hrm.
Loki: I don't know.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *trying to think harder*
I say:
Loki: ...Tell them, I suppose.
Loki: Have them make a decision...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...And... it's more than one kid, I can tell you that much....
I say:
Loki: If Valmar finds out, neither Fenrir or the baby-babies-will likely survive.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...I know...
Dekka: *comes downstairs*
I say:
Loki: ...
Fenrir: *follows*
Loki: *sit down, guys.
Fenrir: Ugh, not again...
Loki: Different thing to discuss this time...
Fenrir: ...?
Loki: Just sit.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Are we still in trouble...?
Dekka: *sits down*
I say:
Loki: ...Nemu just had a vision.
Fenrir: One of her future sights?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...yes.
I say:
Loki: Yes, thank you for naming her abilities after a Pokémon move, Fenrir.
Fenrir: Meh.
Loki: Anyway, she saw something...interesting.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: It was a vision that's been bugging me since yesterday.
I say:
Fenrir: Oh joy...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: that just came to light just now.
Dekka: ...
Nemu: ...Dekka....
Dekka: ...?
Nemu: ...Fen...
I say:
Fenrir: ...Yes...?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...it's... likely... that what you did last night has changed your lives forever.
Dekka: ...
Nemu: Dekka...
I say:
Fenrir: ...?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...I'm sorry that you have to find out this way...
Nemu: ...
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...Fenrir, you're going to be a father.
Dekka: Wha-
Dekka: *SHOCKED*
Nemu: ...Dekka, you're pregnant.
I say:
Fenrir: O_O
Fenrir: ...What, WHAT?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...I... I knew I should have stopped you, I knew I should have, but I didn't listen to myself and I'm sorry.
I say:
Loki: Congratulations, you made a baby.
Fenrir: *gaping*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *looks down at her stomach and puts her hand over it* ...what? no, I can't-
I say:
Loki: Or more than one, if Nemu is correct.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...
I say:
Fenrir: *GAPE*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...More than two.
Dekka: *looks MORTIFIED*
I say:
Fenrir: *GAPE*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ...*wimper*
I say:
Loki: ...*reaches over and pushes Fenrir's jaw up to shut his mouth*
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: *hugs Dekka TIGHT*
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: We are gonna have awesome babies.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *clings, and buries her face in his shoulder*
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...*thinks Fen kinda has to get his priorities straight*
Nemu: *looks at Loki*
Nemu: ...SO.
I say:
Loki: ...We'll help you as much as we can.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...we have some things to set straight.
Nemu: *nods*
I say:
Loki: ...
Fenrir: *hugging Dekka tight, stroking her hair, saying he's sorry...*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: We'll help you every step of the way with these kids... if you choose to have them.
I say:
Fenrir: What? What do you mean, choose?
Loki: You can have an operation done to remove them, so they won't be born.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ....*clinging*
Dekka: ...*shakes her head, not looking up*
I say:
Fenrir: ...No.
Loki: I thought not.
Loki: Just figured we'd say it, to be safe.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *clinging to Fen for dear life*
I say:
Loki: But anyway.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...*nods*
I say:
Fenrir: *holding her close*
Fenruir: Dekka, I'm so sorry...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: That was option two, looks like we're going with the first one.
Nemu: ...And then there's Valmar to think about.
Nemu: ....He wasn't pleased at all when you started going out, Fen, he's going to want to skin you alive.
I say:
Fenrir: **** him.
Loki: ****ing is what got you into this mess, Fenrir.
Fenrir: ...
((It had to be said.)
Rei Yami Hikari says:
I say:
((...Most of our OCs get preggers the first time.
((That's actually not too common in real life pregnancies.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Well, Freya was after a few times.)
I say:
((It's possible, but not that common.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(....we could use the 'THEY ARE GODS" excuse.)
I say:
((But Hel will be after once, Amu will be after once, Dekka will be after once...))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(and I don't think that Manami is the product of the first time...)
I say:
((Possibly not.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(....Well, another factor to take into consideration is that THEY have one partner that is at least part animal.)
I say:
((But still. So many "accidents."
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Animals don't exactly do it for fun, unless you're a dolphin.)
(Anubis was an 'accident'. a pretty big one, at that.)
I say:
((Fenrir was too, at least by my canon))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(And gods tend to...)
I say:
((Heimdall was...Thor might have been...Bragi was...))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Exactly. It might be a god thing.)
I say:
((Amu was an accident too.))
((Then again, fox demon.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(we KNOW it's an animal thing. Amu's is rationalized already.)
I say:
((Still, it's just something I noticed.))
((The Loki Nemu twins are technically an accident.))
((Manami too, since they weren't trying to have a baby at that point.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Still, they probably didn't just do it twice.)
Nemu: ....I don't know how much we can protect you from Valmar, but we can try.
I say:
((True enough.))
Loki: We'll do what we can.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ....I guess you can hide it... for now.
Dekka: *nods*
Nemu: ...I guess that's all we can-
Hatta: And then there's option three!
Nemu: !!!
Nemu: When did you-
I say:
Fenrir: GAH!
Fenrir: JESUS!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: No, Hatta.
I say:
Loki: ...Hello, Hatta, Has Amused stopped being annoyed about your costume last night?
((No. She’s still annoyed.))
((She’ll get over it soon though.))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: ...No, not quite yet, and I have to admit washing off makeup is difficult.
I say:
Loki: I figured.
Loki: So you're here to offer a change in time, I suppose?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
hatta: However, I'm here to present to you- *bows* option number three!
Hatta: Yes.
Dekka: ...
I say:
Fenrir: ...What's that option?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: I can't let you take this all back, however, I can speed up the duration of the pregnancy, and, if needed, the children's aging process!
Nemu: Like he did for Cen and Reki.
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: *looks at Dekka*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...Since Cen thought it put Reki and his children into too much danger.
Dekka: I... I don't know if I'm ready....
Hatta I can't offer it to you later, you have to decide now.
Dekka: *looks at Fenrir*
I say:
Fenrir: Oh come on, that's just mean. We only just found out ten minutes ago.
Fenrir: Hrm.
Fenrir: *thinks*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *looks at Loki and Nemu, scrambling for answers*
I say:
Fenrir: ...if we speed it up, we'd need a place for them to hide like right now until I could get a house.
Fenrir: I’ve been saving for an apartment anyway. We could get one in the city.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ....I could pitch in, if you need it.
Dekka: ...how fast would it be?
Hatta: You can choose. The fastest would be to have them born by tonight.
Hatta: ....You have four children, by the way.
I say:
Fenrir: ...jeez.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ...*snuggle*
Dekka: ...Fen, you decide...
Dekka: *buries her face in his shoulder*
I say:
Fenrir: ...I think it sounds like a good idea.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: so be it, then!
Hatta: *pocketwatch power!*
Dekka: !!!
Dekka: Oh...
Dekka: I feel funny...
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: Thanks Hatta.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Hatta: *Gone!*
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ....Well, we have a whole day to prepare, it looks like.
I say:
Fenrir; ...Nemu, could you take care of Dekka? I wanna go look for an apartment.
Loki: I'll go with you.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *clinging hard- she's scared...!*
Dekka: *don't go... *clings for her life*
I say:
Fentrir: ...We gotta get a house.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: please, don't go...
I say:
Fenrir: and you'll be growing soon...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ...
Deakka: ...go fast.
I say:
Fenrir: *kisses her* Alright.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ....
Dekka: Come back soon, okay?
Nemu: …come on, sweetheart, I'll take you to the clinic.
I say:
Loki: Let's go, Fen.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *and so, she goes!*
I say:
Fenrir and Loki: *head out*
Fenrir: *back in a couple hours*
Fenrir; *comes to the clinic* Dekka?
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *SHEESH! she already looks like she's just about ready to give birth to one baby...*
(Like, size wise.)
Dekka: *looks up, it looks like she's been crying, she's so scared* Fen?
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: *goes over and gives her a kiss(
Fenrir: I got a good apartment for us in the city. Near a school.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: Can't they come to this school?
Nemu: ...Fen, tread lightly, she's been having mood swings, and nasty ones. *says it in a whisper to him, so Dekks can't hear, casually, though*
I say:
Fenrir: Kay.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *still wearing his T-shirt.. anything she has would be too tight*
Nemu: *looks at Loki* ....We're helping to pay for the house?
I say:
Loki: Yup.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: *nod8
Dekka: *getting bigger...*
I say:
Fenrir: *holding her hand*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...*gasp*
Nemu: I forgot about Jormungand and the other kids in all this madness!
I say:
Loki: ...Oops.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: you go and tell the others, I'll stay here with them.
Dekka: *looking up at Fenrir*
Dekka: It's all... it's all happening so fast....
Dekka: ...I don't think... I don't know if I...
I say:
fenrir: It's okay...
Fenrir; I'm here for you no matter what.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Nemu: ...
Nemu: ...By the looks of it, you might go into labour some time in the late afternoon.
I say:
Loki: ...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: ...I don't know if I'll be a good mom...
I say:
Fenrir: ...You'll be an awesome mom.
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *looks so scared*
Dekka: It's happening so fast, I can feel my skin stretch, it's creepy!
I say:
Fenrir: I'm sorry, Dekka..
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *grabs him in a hug and clings*
Nemu: ....*wondering who started this whole fiasco in the first place*
Nemu: ...Loki, go ask Jormungand to watch the kids.
Nemu: ...we're gonna be busy all day over here.
Dekka: *crying*
I say:
Fenrir: *hugs her as well as he can*
Loki: Alright. *goes*
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sob*
Nemu: ....Dekka-
I say:
Fenrir: I'm so sorry, Dekka...
Fenrir: It's all my fault...
((Wait...if it's the day after Halloween...)
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: I don't know what to do! I'm only 18, I don't have a bloody clue how to raise a kid!
I say:
((The following day is Loki and Nemu's aniversary.))
Fenrir:" It'll be okay, I promise.
Fenrir: I love you, Dekka...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *sudden anger!*
Dekka: I love you too, but do you think I wanted this?!
Nemu: Oh boy...
I say:
Fenrir: *kicked puppy face*
Fenrir: I'm sorry...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: I'm scared!
I say:
Fenrir: I'm here for you!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: What if you're killed? what if they're killed?!
I say:
Fenrir: I won't let anything bad happen to you!
Fenrir: I'd die first!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: what'll I do then?!
Dekka: I'll be alone with four kids, what will I do then?!
I say:
Fenrir: It won't happen, so don't worry about it!
Fenrir: It'll protect you.
Fenrir: I won’t die.
Fenrir: I'd die before I'd let you get hurt, and since I won’t die I won’t let you get hurt!
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: *hyperventalating*
Dekka: 'just a couple drinks' you said!
I say:
Fenrir: I'm sorry, Dekka...
Fenrir: Please don’t be mad...
Rei Yami Hikari says:
Dekka: You said nothing bad would happen and look what's happening!
Dekka: *panicking*
I say:
((Mind if I turn in?))
Rei Yami Hikari says:
(Hey, I can't stop you....)
(It's your health.)
I say:
((I'm sorry. Good night!))
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