Hello! If you are here then you are interested in one of my charters! Please take a look around!
I am used to slave RPs but I would love to do other RPs and of course some more slave stuff.
Here are a few things you should know about how I RP with these guys:
I am used to slave RPs but I would love to do other RPs and of course some more slave stuff.
Here are a few things you should know about how I RP with these guys:
1- I have spelling issues, I try my best, sorry
2- I like to add a lot of description when I can or feeling like it
3- I don't like short post but I do them if I can't make them longer
4- If pleasure it will be done over PMs, it only make sense (It doesn't have to be pleasure!)
5- I like to have fun with it so if I am bored I will ether do something crazy, kill myself, or leave for a few months and then come back :3
6- I might be slow in responding. I sometimes can't get to my laptop, I am not sure what to say, I am having a life, or am busy at high school :3
7- I can make customs, PM me please! It is no problem~
8- Pm or quote me if you are interested!
Here is an example of how I RP:
- D o z z e m -

Zara tucked her ears into her hair to hide them and put her white, flowing tail down her pant leg. She hoped it was enough to hide the fact that she is a beast, a white tiger shifter. Zara dusted off her ragged clothing and sat down in the corner of her cage. She watched as people and guards passed by her cage without even a glance. The cage echoed the grumble of her empty belly. Will no one ever take me? Will any one see me? She thought to herself as she brushed a long strip of white hair from her face. She would cry but she had cried so much that she ran out of tears, ran out of hope, ran out of everything. She inched up to the bars, ignoring her fear of them. Zara now sat at the edge of her cage where people should really see her, notice her, but still no one even looked at her.

Name: Zara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: White tiger shifter
Orientation: Straight
Power(s): Can fully change into a white tiger, animal talk
Skills: Cooking, Herbal medication
Weapons Of Choice: Daggers, Tiger form
Appearance: White hair, ears and tail, pale skin, black eyes, pink lips, long nails, thin
Personality: really shy to strangers, cute, very kind, obedient, can be brave, smart, hard to anger, curious, cat-like, doesn't like to kill
Bio/Background: Born from a human couple, Zara was quickly casted away to the slave market. She lived in a single cell with cold, dirty floors, iron bars, and very poor nutrition for 14 years. She only knew her first name and nothing else, she had no knowledge of her powers or why she has ears and a tail. Her life was lonely, sad and Zara was often mistreated by the slave trader. She thinks of herself a freak, an out cast, a mutant! She was bought by a poor farming family and was set to work as the cook and on the farm a lot. Zara lived in the basement for a only a year until robbers killed the family and sold her back into the slave trade. She waits there now, losing hope for anyone to pay attention to her.

Name: Lozine Fren (Nickname: Lolly)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Powers: None
Skills: Very gifted in music, a great cook, cleaner,
Weapon Of Choice: thin cutlass
Appearance: Dark brown hair and eyes, tan, perfect body (she spends a lot of time on herself)
Personality: Decent, nice to most mean to others, kind, sassy, very loyal, often jealous of anyone with something she doesn't have
Bio: She was born into a high class . She had many classes in being decent and to be a butler. Her family owner recently died and she was sold into slavery, witch she doesn't like at all.

Name: Meme Loon
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Bi
Power(s): N/A, can learn magic (in her blood)
Weapon Of Choice: Mace
Apperance: Black hair, blue eyes, pale, thin
Personality: Disobedient, lazy, stubborn, nice to when feels like it, plays games
Bio: Once rich and owned slaves but her faimly didn't like the way she acted so they kicked her out of the house at age 16. She have been wondering around homless for a while until she found an abanded house. She eats out of caned foods but dose not go back to her parents and stays the same stuck up mess she was before.
More to be added later...
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