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Plushie's Journal Just a place for entries, random thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. n.n

i are plushie
Community Member
Part 3 of Plushie to the Rescue; in the name of Christmas!

Our little heroine replaced her crown upon her head and gripped her scepter tighter than ever; she was feeling a great mix of things as it were: sadness, anger, frustration, and even a bit of dread. Things were beginning to look hopeless; Frosty had sacrificed himself for Santa's treats, but as it were, they and even Christmas itself, were no closer to being safe than they had been when Zero Omega had lit them on fire. It all seemed futile. Zero had Santa's treat hostage, an entire zombie army at his disposal, and an absolute resolve to ruin Christmas. What could she, one girl, do against all of that?

Plushie tipped her head forward as if defeated -- she sure felt defeated. Well, that was that. Christmas was going to be ruined; she failed. With a sigh, she stood waiting, waiting for the zombies to close in on her, drag her down, and begin their brain-feasting. It was all over. Zero Omega had won. Her world had gone black, dark and hopeless, so despairing and depressing. Then, somewhere in the dark, there came a light; it was a soft, golden color, warm and faint. The more she began to notice it, the brighter it got. A thought occurred to her just then, as that little light glowed: People were counting on her. She saw all the children of Gaia eagerly rushing to their Christmas tree, excited to find the presents that Santa left them, only to find nothing. She saw their faces, their heartbroken and confused expressions. She saw them asking themselves if Santa had forgotten them, or if they had been so bad that he purposefully neglected them. She saw some of them despairing and others becoming angry. Santa forgot me, some said! Santa doesn't exist, others said! On and on the turmoil raged until Christmas itself became no more! More and more people refused to believe in Santa and, with less believes, Santa himself grew powerless to visit Gaia. No more cheer, no more songs, no more decorations, no more Christmas trees, no more presents, no more generosity -- Christmas was no more.

The little light blinded her, so fierce and bright and golden! It snapped her out of her hopeless trance and lifted her from the blackened pool of despair that she had, moments ago, been dangerously close to sinking into. "Never!" She cried, her resolve strengthened once more. "I will never, never, never, never let you take Christmas away from Gaia! I will never stop believing in the power of Christmas... or myself!" Plushie held her scepter (golden end up) behind her and towards the sky, a look of fierce determination on her face.

"Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen,
On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen!

Help me stop these fiends, in the name of Christmas!"

Far, far off in the distance there appeared what looked, at first, like a flock of birds. They were flying in the air, closer and closer to the scene below. As they grew closer, the birds became larger in size. After a moment, it was clear that these birds were a chocolate color and, in fact, not birds at all! Their bodies became larger, their features more easily seen, and several of them had antlers on their heads -- why, they were reindeer! All eight reindeer were coming, at top speed, towards the gathered group, their hoofed feet moving as they were running on the ground.

"Quick! Take out these holiday-horrors!" Plushie called, swinging her scepter forward to point at the lumbering zombies. The reindeer charged forward into the fray, headbutting and throwing zombies left and right, into tree branches and against tree trunks. Bringing up the rear, his nose shining bright, charged little Rudolph, the ninth and smallest of the group. What he lacked in size, he made up for in heart. Rudolph back-kicked a few zombies in the butt, sending them flying face first into the snow. They were stuck! As the reindeer departed, Plushie cheered and waved, hopping up and down with excitement. Many of the zombies were down and were not getting up! She had made some progress! Never lose hope! Never stop believing! She would win this fight, in the name of Christmas!

User Comments: [5]
i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:30am

Her small victory brought a rejuvenation to her; several of the mindless zombies were out of the equation, tangled in branches, their heads stuck in the snow, or even knocked out against tree trunks! Her belief had resulted in something positive and restored her faith that this would all work out and Christmas would be safe in the end! Woohoo!

The minuscule "defeat" seemed to have brought some life back into Zero Omega, who had witnessed the reindeer-stampede from a distance. His face flushed with anger as he cast a rather annoyed look towards Plushie. "Zombies, eat her brain." He ordered, turning on the spot and heading away from the gathering. "Where are you going?" Plushie demanded, beginning to run towards him, not liking the sudden and unexpected departure. Zero Omega ignored her and continued on, taking one of the trails out of the facility. Before she could pursue, Plushie found her way blocked by a large group of the remaining zombies; stupid as though they were, they knew how to follow that simple order, and knew that they wanted a taste of brain!

For the time being it seemed as if Zero Omega and whatever plan he had just concocted would have to wait -- she had more pressing matters to deal with. Ducking as one of the zombies made a grab for her, Plushie scrambled away, as fast as her little feet would carry her, the zombies lumbering and lurching after her. She hopped over fallen bots, nearly tripped over discarded coal, and made her way towards the facility stairs. Bounding upward one at a time (not two, as most people would have done), she hurried to the very top, standing on the facility barrier were most people sat to fish.

Pointing her scepter up toward the sky, she called out, "White and puffy, yummy and luffly, rain down hard, oh so fluffy!" White clouds filled the sky overhead, though these clouds were a bit odd, for they were a whipped-like solid, as opposed to a gaseous fog. The zombies below took no notice of this difference as they continued to lurch and groan their way closer to the stairs. Plushie gazed up, watching the odd clouds clump and roll together, apparently sticky in nature; they formed and molded, as if two large hands were squeezing them into square-like shapes. Then, high, high above, there floated about a dozen extra large marshmallows!

One by one the marshmallows plummeted to the world below, shaking the ground upon impact. About half of them landed on a few zombies! Either smooshed or merely tangled in the sticky deliciousness, a large amount of the zombies were incapacitated! The numbers had dropped dramatically! Plushie yipped for joy and danced around on the stone barrier, doing a happy-victory dance. The remaining zombies, clueless as to their almost-demise, slowly lumbered clumsily up the stairs, one by one, groaning with hunger.

Many down, a bit more to go.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:32am

The mindless zombies continued to drag themselves up the stone stairs -- it was a wonderful how they even managed such a thing. I guess the possibility of snacking on your favorite food could compel anyone to overcome anything. One by one the empty-headed abominations lurched upward, step after step, groaning and grumbling. This scene belonged in a horror movie, I'm telling you. Plushie gazed down as they approached, wondering what would best work against them. It seemed that, whatever it was, it had to be something direct and brutally instant... like having a giant marshmallow dropped on you. Hmm...

She pointed her scepter down toward the climbing ghouls,

"Slippery, slippery dock, the ice froze the block.
The hour struck eight, not one zombie could skate.
Slippery, slippery dock."

She chimed. Powder blue mist floated from the golden tip of her scepter, hovering lower and lower, covering each stone step as it descended. As the mist traveled lower and lower, in its wake, it left a sheet of solid ice. The zombies, each and every one of them, slipped and slid, tumbling back down the stairs. Plushie gave herself a little triumphant "woohoo" but it was made too soon. Though each and every zombie had taken a tumble, each and every zombie once more clambered to its feet, seemingly unharmed. Ugh! One by one they took to the iced stairs, slipping and sliding, but gradually making their way upward once more.

She could try reigning down marshmallows again, but she was far too close to the mass of mindless minions; there was a chance one would land on her, or even land in the fishing waters and drown them all! No, no more marshmallows. That attack had come and gone. She would just have to think of something else... and quick -- icy stairs wouldn't stop the zombies for long.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:33am

Plushie decided to put as much distance between her and the zombies as possible. She took off running to the opposite end of the fishing barrier -- oh crap, wrong way! There, right before her, were two very large water pipes -- much too large to climb over, and believe me, she tried. She jumped up and down, trying to get a grip on the metal so as to pull herself over. Her trying was done in vain; she just couldn't get over them. Turning to backtrack, she immediately stopped; several of the zombies had clambered to the top of the steps and had stepped onto the stone platform. Oh great! "Maybe if I stay still they won't see me..." Plushie thought to herself, pressing her back against one of the large pipes.

She held her breath, watching as majority of the zombies made their way onto the barrier, looking this way and that stupidly, their expressions blank. Several had remained on the ground, not lucky enough to have conquered the icy stairs. They merely lumbered this way and that, in no particular direction, groaning and grunting. Plushie eyed the zombies, not daring to move, hoping that they wouldn't see her, or else would just think she was part of the pipe.

"Uuunggggggg." The sound was horrible; it was loud, disgusting, and told her that one zombie had a brain a tiny bit larger than a peanut -- he had spotted her. The zombie began to lumber in her direction, the others following; the sheep were following the Shepard, even though the Shepard was a blithering idiot and had no idea what he was doing, let along that he was leading anyone else. Plushie tried in vain once more to climb over the large pipe, but once again she found she was unable to. If she had any hope of getting out of this pickle, defeating these zombies, and saving Christmas, she was going to have to come up with something and fight her way out.

Pointing her scepter towards the sky, she chanted, "Winter winds so fierce and cold, release your wrath, so swift and bold." The sky darkened at her words, the temperature dropping dramatically. Plushie gripped her scepter tightly and crouched down, pressing as snugly to the pipe as possible. Suddenly, fierce, frigid gusts blew from over the pipes, raging wildly. Gripping her crown, Plushie squeaked -- it was so cold! The winds picked up snow on the ground, turning the area into a little blizzard. Many of the zombies were blown over, one or two toppling down the icy steps.

The wind subsided after a few moments. Glancing up, her heart sank; majority of the zombies were still on the barrier! Most had gotten back to their feet already and were lurching onward, closer and closer to where she crouched. Standing up, Plushie groaned with frustration. Ugh! What was she going to do?? She had put herself in a horrible position. Maybe she could jump to the ground? No... she'd break her legs. Ugggh! Think, think, think...

Closer and closer the zombies trudged...

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:34am

Oh what to do, what to do. Plushie knew that she wasn't in a position to do anything direct and dramatic, not without risking her own well-being in the process. What a pickle this was! The groaning zombies dragged themselves closer and closer, step by step. If only she could get to the other side of the fishing waters! She could run down the stairs and have a few minutes to gather her thoughts and plan her next course of action. Then it dawned on her... she could get to the other side of the fishing waters!

The realization had come almost too late, for at that exact moment the nearest zombie made a clumsy grab for her! Plushie yelped and dove off the barrier to the water! Without wasting a moment, she cried, "Hop-scotch, frozen blocks, ferry me from rock to rock!" A block of ice suddenly broke the surface, large enough for a grown man to comfortably stand on. Plushie landed on all fours on the ice, pressing her belly against it to keep from sliding right off. Block after block after block broke the surface before her, forming a little 'stepping-stone' path across the water.

It took her a moment, but she gradually managed to stand. "Oy, I did not quite think this one through..." She admitted to herself as she wobbled a bit. Hopping to the next block, she managed a rhythm, hopping from that one to another, then another, and another. Chancing a glance back, she saw a few zombies looking stupidly at her, a handful of them walking right off the edge in pursuit. Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Down they went... and never resurfaced. Whether that was because zombies are too dumb to know how to swim, or because the Durem fish had found themselves a snack... Plushie didn't know. Focusing on her task, she resumed her careful hopping, taking each block in turn until she found herself, at last, on the other end of the fishing barrier. Giving a triumphant yip for joy, she descended the stairs.

Well, it wasn't intended, but a few more zombies were now out of the way, and she had a bit of time to form another, hopefully more successful, plan!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:35am

Jumping off the second step from the bottom, she headed right towards the path that lead to Durem... the same path that Zero Omega had taken not too long ago. Her first instinct was to just use this 'breathing moment' to her advantage and just take off after Zero. When she thought more of it, however, she decided that she couldn't very well leave the zombies here; she had no idea what they would do if not stopped. They could wander into the towns and have an all out feast of brains! No, she would just have to stay until she had taken out each and every last zombie. Then, and only then, would she be free to pursue Zero Omega and, somehow, put a final stop to this 'destroy Christmas' plot of his.

Plushie rounded the stone steps, the one the zombies had been hidden under, and decided it would be best to check in there -- what else was Zero hiding beneath those stairs? The next thing could be an army of blob-creatures! She had to check, and if possible, take out whatever was in there. Though, if you're like me, you don't fancy the idea of opening a door that could house something scary. Plushie didn't fancy it, either. She tip-toed to the door and put her hand on the handle, taking a deep breath before yanking the door open wide!

AAAAAAAAH! Oh... wait... there was nothing in there. Her heart pounded against her ribs as she poked her head inside and peered around... nope, nothing. Plushie laughed, unable to stop herself; she had nearly screamed in fright and the space beneath the stone steps was completely empty. Suddenly something hit her from behind, and she was thrown forward into the semi-lit, hollow hideout. Landing on her front, her scepter sliding a few feet away, Plushie turned over to see Zero Omega in the doorway. I will say, for those of you wondering, he did not hit her; not even our Christmas-fiend was so deplorable as to hit a girl. He did push her, however -- that was the 'hit' she had felt, his hands connecting with her back.

"You're not going to interfere any longer. I'll let you out when Christmas has come and gone, without any presents, without any Santa." He said. Plushie moved as quick as she could to her feet and ran towards the door, forgetting her scepter, but it was too late. Zero stepped back and slammed it shut, concealing her in the darkness. Trying the handle did no good... the door wouldn't open. She guessed that he had barricaded it with something (and she was right; Zero had used one of the zombie's weapons). Plushie banged on the door, shouting out to the only intelligent person on the other side,

"Let me out! You can't do this! You can't take away Christmas! Let me out!"

Obviously she was not let out.

"Stay here. Eat her brains if she gets out." She heard Zero say, and heard a few groans in response, as if his words had been understood. Plushie turned and groped around in the dark, dropping to her knees and feeling along the ground for her scepter. It took her a few minutes, but her hand finally closed around the base. She pointed it towards the direction of the door and said,

"Fierce and strong, winds of light,
Open this door, in the name of right."

The entire 'room' filled with strong winds, blowing this way and that, gusting full-force against the door... but it did not open. Plushie was forced around in various directions, the winds easily moving her about as if she were a rag-doll. Once they had gone, she sighed and dropped down to the ground, sitting on her butt. Here she was, trapped in the dark, while Zero and his army were closer than ever to destroying Christmas... What now...?

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