Hello! If you are here then you are interested in one of my slaves!
Here are a few things you should know about how I RP with these guys:
Here are a few things you should know about how I RP with these guys:
1- I have spelling issues, I try my best, sorry
2- I like to add a lot of description when I can or feeling like it
3- I don't like short post but I do them if I can't make them longer
4- If pleasure it will be done over PMs, it only make sense (It doesn't have to be pleasure!)
5- I like to have fun with it so if I am bored I will ether do something crazy or kill myself :3
6- I might be slow in responding. I sometimes can't get to my laptop, I am not sure what to say or I am having a life :3
7- I can make customs, PM me~
8- Pm or quote me if you are interested!
Here is an example of how I RP:
- D o z z e m -

Zara tucked her ears into her hair to hide them and put her white, flowing tail down her pant leg. She hoped it was enough to hide the fact that she is a beast, a white tiger shifter. Zara dusted off her ragged clothing and sat down in the corner of her cage. She watched as people and guards passed by her cage without even a glance. The cage echoed the grumble of her empty belly. Will no one ever take me? Will any one see me? She thought to herself as she brushed a long strip of white hair from her face. She would cry but she had cried so much that she ran out of tears, ran out of hope, ran out of everything. She inched up to the bars, ignoring her fear of them. Zara now sat at the edge of her cage where people should really see her, notice her, but still no one even looked at her.

Slave Name: Coon
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Neko
Orientation: Bi
Power(s): Animal talk (Can talk to animals)
Personality: Animal loving, tomboy, easily pissed off, wild, could be romantic, a little clumsy, creative, stubborn
Bio: Abandon by her parents at a very young age, she learned the ways of the forest and raised herself there. She thought that she was the only one of her kind and thought of herself a mutant. She continuously is frustrated at herself because she can't control herself. Then, one day after a large fight, she was catch by slave hunters and put her on the slave market.
Slave's Use: Outside work, Protector,
Extra: It will take a while for her to trust anyone

Slave Name: Zara
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Neko/Shifter
Orientation: Bi
Power(s): Can fully change into a white tiger, animal talk
Personality: really shy, cute, nice, obedient, can be brave, smart
Bio: She had no memories of her parents and never went to any school. All she could remember was that she was never sold and was held in a cage almost her whole life. She counts the days to get out but at the same time fears when she dose.
Slave's Use: Any
Extra: None

Slave Name: Lozine Fren (Nickname: Lolly)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Powers: None
Personality: Decent, nice, kind, sassy, very loyal, has many talents
Bio: She was born as high class slave. She had many classes in being decent and to be a butler. Her owner recently died and was sold back into slavery.
Slave's Use: Anything
Extra: None

Slave Name: Xeni Flow
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Wolf Shifter
Orientation: Straight
Power(s): Fully change into a wolf, powerful, very fast
Personality: Dark, silent, tough, nice when wants to
Bio: She was a loved signal child of her shifter parents until they were killed by a group of ninjas killed them. Xeni was blinded by anger and revenge. She chased after them for years and training on her way. She learned how to use her wolf powers and killed all of the ninjas, even their leader. She now had nothing to do and offered to be a slave on her own. She decided her life was pointless now.
Slave Use: A guard, pleasure, anything
Extra: She will be a little dark but will lighten up if under the right conditions

Slave Name: Meme Loon
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: human
Orientation: Bi
Power(s): N/A
Personality: Disobedient, lazy, stubborn, nice to nice people, likes pain and playing games
Bio: Once rich and owned slaves but her faimly didn't like the way she acted so they kicked her out of the house at age 16. Soon after she was caught as a slave by slave sellers
Slave's Use: Anything, maybe no house work
Extra: She might lighten up to a nice master and will love to try to mess up the bad ones. To make her do anything you must hurt her >:3

Slave Name: Flow Lime
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Bunny girl
Orientation: Bi
Power(s): Can change fully into a bunny
Personality: kind, soft, innocent, obedient
Bio: Born into slavery and treated nicely by her master until he died.
Slave's Use: anything
Extra: She will do anything that is asked

Slave Name: Emu Sky
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Bird Girl
Orientation: Bi
Power: Can fully change into a bird, bird speech,
Personality: Fun, silly, wild
Bio: She was born in the forest with little care for other people but was caught as a rare bird to be sold. When the bird cagers saw that she was a girl they sold her into slavery
Slave Use: anything
Extra: Will try to run away
Slave Name:
Slave's Use: